'I'm Subject 04'

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"Okay, let's start with the mission in Mexico. Barton, give the team the run down." Tony announced.

Clint sat up and began, "We landed in Peto, Yucatan at 2200hrs. We found a small drug cartel running out of an abandoned Red Room base. There was no indication that it was connected to the Red Room so when we took it down we handed the people over to the authorities and the leaders over to the FBI. They weren't dealing any experimental drugs or doing any shady side business so we came home earlier than expected."

"All of you involved have your mission reports and debriefs in front of you. Tale a moment to read them through and we'll get to the next topic." Tony sat back down.

They all read through the brown file and placed them back down, Peter looking enormously happy with himself; a giant smile plastered on his face.

Tony clapped his hands to get everyone's attention back, "Okay team, onto the issue on the home front. Who wants to start?"

Sam spoke for the group, "At around 2am this morning, a group of soldiers we suspect to be Project Enlightenment broke into the compound and attempted to kidnap Ana. We stopped them though and all of them are in the cells downstairs."

"You kind of skipped over a bit there, Sam." Bruce spoke.

"We found a temporary cure for Ana, so far it has worked for a day. Melina found a tracker in Ana and removed it as well." He pulled the flashing bead out of his pocket and on the table for them all to see.

"It's still active?" Peter said confused.

"Yes for now, if we just deactivate it then they will definitely come for Ana." Bruce explained.

Tony stood up again, "Yes Ana, now your awake and not crazy, why don't you introduce yourself?"

Ana look around the room and cleared her throat. She leaned forward and took a deep breath.

"Well my name is Ana Volkov. I'm 17 years old, but I was born in 1989 so I should be 27. I was taken by the Red Room at a young age and put in at sleeper cell when I was 3 years old. I lived in Ohio with my family for 3 years and when we were escaping to Cuba, I got shot. I was bleeding out in the plane, so when we landed The Red Room took me to Project Enlightenment to save my life by giving me powers."

Ana looked at Alexei who was sitting in the corner when she said this. He met her gaze before turning away.

"What powers do you have?" Steve interrupted.

Ana continued, "Well I was injected with the super soldier serum, so super strength, healing, speed and senses. But then HYDRA also created another serum that re-writes your cells an changes them. So I also have invisibility and psychic navigation."

"What's that?" Peter asked.

"I can locate people anywhere using my mind. I just closed my eyes and think of the person and I can see their surroundings." Ana told them.

They all sat there for a moment not knowing what to say.

Tony spoke up first, "Were there others there?"

"There was to begin with. When I arrived at the facility, there were 5 kids that grew to 10. Then when I was about 9 years old, I had to fight 5 others and one was number 12. After that, I just fought adults so I don't know how many there were exactly." Ana said.

She lifted up her hoodie to reveal her branding, "I'm subject 04."

Everyone leaned in to get a closer look at her abdomen. Alexei left the room quietly.

Ana pulled her hoodie back down and sat down.

"So who are you all? I get that your Avengers but what do you do?" She questioned.

"We're Earth's mightiest heroes." Tony said, sarcasm oozing from his voice.

"Do you all have powers?" Ana asked.

Peter sat up and answered eagerly, "Well some of us do. Wanda, Vision, Thor, Bruce, Steve, Bucky and I all have powers. Then you've got Mr. Stark, Natasha, Sam, Clint and Rhodey who don't have powers."

"Wanda has telekinesis and telepathy. Bucky and Steve are super soldiers. Bruce can turn into the Hulk. Vision is a sythezoid and he has the mind stone. Then you have Thor who is a God." he continued.

"Where is Thor?" Ana asked.

Natasha added, "He's on Asguard. I'm sure he'll tell you all about it when he's back."

"Wow, he's from a different planet?" Ana looked at them all stunned.

"Yep, it's super cool. He won't take me there though." Peter rolled his eyes.

Tony ended their discussion by announcing that tomorrow they are all going to interrogate a HYDRA soldier, to test their skills.

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