The Dick Van Dyke Show

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It had been a few days since anyone had heard from either Alexei or Yelena. They were supposed to check in yesterday but there was no word. This caused things in the house to grow more agitated. Natasha wanted to go and help but Melina forbade it; she couldn't loose another child. Instead, the team sent Sam and Bucky on a re-con mission to check on them, but were under strict orders not to engage unless absolutely necessary.

Steve hugged his friends and gave them a soft smile as they boarded the jet. Natasha was stood away from the group with her arms crossed against the wall. Bucky gave her a nod and she turned away. He sighed and shut the door behind him. The crew watched the jet take off - flying into the distance until it was out of sight.

Wanda, Melina, Clint and Steve headed back inside but Nat stood there for a while, staring at the sky. She needed this to work.

"Nat!" Wanda yelled from inside.

Natasha rolled her eyes, couldn't they tell she wanted to be alone. Wanda continued to shout for her, eventually running out to get her.

"Natasha, we're gonna play Monopoly. Want to join?" Wanda put her hand on the red head's shoulder.

The woman flicked it off and took a step forward away from her. Wanda walked closer.

"What's wrong?" she looked confused.

Natasha sighed loudly, "I don't wanna play a stupid board game, Wanda. God what's wrong with you?"

"Don't be like that. We're only trying to help take your mind off things." Wanda scoffed.

Nat spun around quickly, "Oh yeah? So much help you've been. Oh that's right, you haven't. All you done Wanda is distract me."

Wanda looked at her hurt, "You're not the only one who has lost things, Natasha."

"At least I tried to protect my sister. Where's your brother now? He's dead because you didn't protect him. Ana won't end up the same way." Natasha's words coursed through Wanda like venom.

A tear gathered in Wanda's eye. Natasha instantly felt guilty; the severity of what she had just said hit her. The Russian went to speak but was quickly shot down.

"No. No." Wanda muttered and walked away.

Natasha reached out for her, "Wanda I-."

Wanda shook her head firmly and slammed the back door.

Nat sat down against the wall and sighed. She didn't mean to say those things, especially not about Pietro. Wanda was broken about her brother's dead for months. She wouldn't talk to anyone besides her. Natasha helped her out of a dark place and Wanda was just trying to do the same.

The door opened and Steve looked down at her. He closed it gently and took a seat on her left.

"Is Wanda okay? I swear I didn't mean to-" Natasha spoke hurriedly.

Steve shook his head and she stopped, "She'll be fine. But you should probably apologise. Melina's with her."

Natasha sighed and paused for a second.

"I don't know what's wrong with me Steve. I've been angry before, but this is different. Normally I can just kill someone and it fixes everything- but this. I can't fight my way out of this. All I want is to know she's safe." Natasha said.

Steve pulled her into a hug and she let her body relax. He always knew how to calm her down, even if they said nothing.

After a few minutes, Steve said, "C'mon, let go inside. It's getting cold."

He stood up first and gave Natasha a hand. They walked into the warmth of the building and into the living room. Monopoly was set out put no one had touched it. She found Melina in the kitchen cooking.

"Wanda's in her room, if you want to apologise." the woman said with her back turned.

Nat headed for her room and tapped on the door.

"Come in." a voice spoke from inside.

Natasha opened the door and Wanda was sat on the bed watching tv.

The Russian rubbed the back of her neck, "Hey. I'm so sorry. It wasn't your fault Pietro died. I took my anger out on you and that was wrong."

"I forgive you." Wanda smiled slightly.

"What are you watching?" Natasha asked.

Wanda tapped on her bed, "The Dick Van Dyke Show. I used to watch it all the time with my parents when I was younger."

Nat took a seat next to her and placed a pillow on her lap. Wanda laughed at a skit and Natasha smiled at her joy.

"My dad was video salesman and every night, he would bring home the DVD's he didn't sell that day. Pietro and I would take turns picking out what to watch. Every time I would choose this, Pietro would get so annoyed" she laughed at the memory.

She continued but her face went blank, "It's what we were watching when the shell hit; when they died."

Natasha felt guilty. Wanda had lost a lot but until now she had never know exactly how much.

Wanda turned to face Natasha, "I know how your are feeling, Natasha. Probably better than anyone in this house. You have a chance to get your family back, don't waste it."

Nat nodded and smiled. Wanda pulled her into a hug which startled her at first but she embraced it.

"Natasha! Wanda! Come quick! Alexei's jet is landing" Melina shouted into the room.

The pair looked at each other and sprinted outside. The jet circled the ground before touching down slowly. The whole team waited anxiously for the door to open.

The latch was released and the door fell open. Yelena came out and hugged Melina. Natasha looked around for Alexei.

He stood in the plane with something in his arms. The man stepped out of the aircraft. Cradled in his grasp was Ana. She had passed out and was draped limply across his limbs.

"Ana?" Natasha gasped.

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