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The couple drove back to the villa area, which was just like the difference between a slum and an upscale villa community - but it is true for now.

The streets in the villa area are still in order, but the courtyard of some villas is not so free. Many people try to plant crops and see if they can grow something by using the place in their villa courtyard. Some people's villa rooms are not enough, and then they set up many plank houses for people to use.

After all, it is very difficult for a small team like he Zizhong and his wife to survive in the base, either being swallowed up or completely destroyed.

No matter he Zizhong or Guo Bing, they were eager to go home and have a rest. The two groups of people did not say anything more. They went back to their homes and looked for their mothers.

There is a layer of light dust in the room that hasn't been cleaned for more than ten days. This villa still looks no different from the original model house. Although the couple were tired, they still endured the exhaustion and cleaned the living room and bedroom - as for the other rooms? Wait till you wake up tomorrow.

Everything in the room was the same as before they left, nothing more or less. After finishing a little bit, Hao first flashed into the space. As for he Zizhong? He was afraid that in case someone came to him, such as the samsara team and so on, he decided that it would be better to have one of them outside to watch. Anyway, the Tuanzi who wants to rebel in the space most wants to see Fang Hao, not himself.

In the space, Tuanzi is really crazy.

It has not been able to go out for nearly six or seven days. Even if it feels that there are delicious third-class crystal nuclei outside, they are not allowed to go out by themselves Baba is really the smelliest in the world! For those messy things, I even locked myself up!!

Fang Hao, who was thrown into his arms by Tuanzi and would rather die than leave, had to carry it to the bathroom. He wanted to take a bath first, and then go out to have a rest with his dear ones. He has been outside for a long time these days, and his body is almost frozen.

"report, sir, these are what we found from the overlord's space powers and their cars." A person sees the leader to come in quickly salute report achievement.

With a sneer, Wu Shao turned around the pile and pointed to: "is that all? Didn't you say there was at least half a truck? "

"The overlord's people told me that the rest was hidden in the cellar of a farmhouse in U village, northwest of the base. General song had sent someone to go."

Wu Shao "cut" A: "that's enough. Show me all the people in their team By the way, where are they locked up? "

"In the first detention house." The so-called No.1 detention center is a temporary prison built near the villa area, where all the important prisoners are held. Not everyone can be locked in. Even if they are powers, they are at least powerful ones in the base.

Wu Shaowen turned his head and went out.

In another room, general song, one of the most powerful people in the base, knew the news when Wu Shao walked into the room with the weapons that had been searched out. When he heard that he had left, he waved to let the reporter step down.

The Rebirth of the Last Days and Return to [Fang] HaoWhere stories live. Discover now