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the church

AS THE GROUP HUDDLED around the tree, they were all completely mesmerized by the old antique.

Aria ran her fingers over the words, narrowing her eyes at the tiny carved in inscription, "look at this."

The words had been just another clue, sending the Pogues scattering back off to the Twinkie in a hurry, time was running out.

As the group loaded into the van, they noticed something extremely worrying as they all sat down, buckling up.

"The tide." Aria gasped lowly, the water being just above the headlights, "that's three feet deep."

"Tide rose faster than I thought it would." JJ whined, running his ringed fingers through his tussled blonde hair.

John B floored the engine, water spewing out in each direction of the tires, the wheel jerked, leaving the direction of the car completely out of his control as they sunk deep into the rising tide.



"I knew I should have driven." JJ complained, sinking back into the cushioned seats as he groaned loudly.

The group sat in silence, trying to think of a way to get them out of this nightmare somehow, but each solution only seemed to lead to a dead end.

"I can take my dad's truck." Aria suggested, folding her hands in her lap as she received hesitate looks from her friends.

"Ari, are you sure?" John B asked, cocking a brow.

She nodded, "how much worse can it get? I'll be fine."

"There's tools at the Chatue that'll help us get her out. Let me come." JJ offered, following behind her as they climbed out of the submerging vehicle.

They walked, shoulders occasionally nudging against each other's, making them both step to their sides to create some sort of distance.

"So." The blonde boy puffed out, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, "how's everything?"

Aria rolled her eyes, "fine. Let's just get this over with, okay?"

He was taken back by her sudden change of attitude, making him furrow his brows as he tilted his head to the side in confusion, "did I do something? We were just fine."

"Stop saying we, JJ! There is no us. You broke up with me when I needed you the most. Stop acting like we're still together. Please." Aria ranted, making them both stop in the middle of the damp dirt paths.

"Oh." Was all he managed to blurt out, watching in shock as the girl stomped away alone.

He followed behind her, keeping a safe distance between them as they walked in complete silence, the only noise being their feet hitting the ground.

The walk to Aria's home was miserable for the both of them, not being able to speak and having to walk a couple of miles.

Arias heart thudded in her chest as she approached the house, sneaking to the side entrance in hopes of avoiding her mother.

She stepped inside, hearing laughter from her kitchen, she pressed her back against the wall, peeking over the edge.

Rose sat at the table, holding a mug as she spoke to the woman opposite of her, both grieving ladies seemed happy then ever.

"What the fuck." Aria mumbled, grabbing the keys off the small silver hooks as she crept out of the house, JJ ducking behind the large concrete walls surrounding it.

The two got into the truck, the girl barely giving him enough to collect himself as she sped off, leaving him in complete shambles as he scurried to shut the door.

"Okay. Can you just chill out for a sec? You're scaring me." JJ pleaded, his chest heaving as he attempted to catch his breathe.

"I'm sorry." She grumbled, clutching the steering wheel tightly as she made a sharp turn onto John B'a street, parking sloppily on a patch of grass, "hurry."

He exited the car, running towards the shed but miserably failing as he tripped over wire, face planting in the dirt.

Aria chuckled, shaking her head as she sighed.

JJ's cheeks flushed red with embarrassment, dusting himself off as he hurried to the shed, not before being swung against a wall.

He punched the air as he was being grabbed, quickly turning around to face his attacker, his face dropped as he immediately recognized the so called "stranger".


sorry it's been so long since an update!!
missed uu

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