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risking their lives.

ARIA AND POPE CREPT towards the ducking Pogues, the two glancing around as they stayed hidden.

She stepped behind him, "Hi."

JJ spun around completely startled, pushing out his pointer and middle finger as he widened his eyes, "Whoa! I was about to stab your eyes out."

"You look scared as shit." The girl chuckled playfully, earning a scoff from the boy.

"How did you guys even find us?" JJ asked.

Aria darted his eyes down to her cellphone, flashing the screen of JJ's location, "Geo-located your phone."

"Smart." JJ nodded, clearly impressed with the girls smart thinking.

"You okay? What happened?" John B panted, eyeing the muddy boy in shock, him gently placing his hand on his shoulder.

Rafe kept his voice low and hoarse, "Rafe, round three."

"You freaking kidding me? Again?" JJ barked.

Aria watched the industrial tools lift crates onto the large ship, a certain large box caught her attention, the huddle of people below it seeming to be in awe of whatever had been stored away in the wood, "I'm guessing that's the cross."

"Yep." JJ scoffed lowly, peering his head over to glare at the specific spot.

They watched helplessly as the crate was lowered into the boat, slowly disappearing out of their vision.

"They're holding Sarah hostage." John B grunted in anger.

Aria darted her tongue out to dampen her dried lips, her eyes running over the entire ship, looking for any easy access ways, "We have to get on that boat."

"First, we have to get past the goon squad." JJ informed, men dressed in highlighted coats surrounding the protected area.

"Okay, let's move. Come on." John B urged, the group slowly standing, him turning to look at Pope who stood frozen, "Pope, what are you doing?"

Pope ripped his eyes off the scattered men, gripping the boys shoulder, "I have an idea. Just trust me."

He ignored the friends protest as he stayed keen on acting out his master plan, slowly backing away from the group as he held his pocket.

A loud explosion had Aria jumping back in fear, her hand reaching for the blonde boy as their intertwined their fingers, their hearts nearly jumping out of their chests.

Pope jogged through the port, waving his hand in front of his face due to the immensity of the smoke rising from the flames, he fell to his knees as he reached the group.

"Pope, what was that?" JB inquired, hearing the frantic yells of workers.

Pope panted out of breathe as he gripped the brunette clothed shoulder, "Look. That container's going on the ship. We can get in that way. Are you with me?"

Jb chuckled in excitement, "You're a genius."

The two led the rest of the group towards the large container, the doors wide open and hidden away from the explosion, no eyes were on them.

"Wait. Whoa." JJ paused, making all eyes fall on him, "Did you think this through?"

"Yes. This is the plan." Pope relied quickly.

"That's a trap right there. We can't get out once we get in." JJ reminded, feeling light panic within him as he glanced at the friends.

JB gripped his jacket, "You guys don't have to come. Right."

The two boys helped each other into crate, leaving the three standing in confusion, they looked at one another in thought.

Kiara didn't hesitate to climb up into the crate along with the two.

Aria turned to the blonde, sighing lowly to herself before speaking, "Nothing to lose?"

"Nothing to lose." JJ nodded, hopping into the back before reaching his hand out for the girl as he assisted her.

The group quickly scattered to the far back of the crate, weaving through bulky boxes as they avoided sitting anywhere in the vision of the heavy doors, their chests rising up and down rapidly.

They shook slightly as the truck began to drive, them all glancing at each other will small "we did it" smiles.

Suddenly, the crate began to lift, Aria stumbling straight into JJ as the both nearly tumbled over, his cold hand resting on her back as he looked at her with wide eyes.

Their faces were centimeters apart, her breathe hitched in her throat at their approximately. She couldn't move, she felt frozen as his touched immediately warmed her skin.

God, she had forgotten had good this feeling was.

"Sorry." He mumbled, quickly placing his hand to the side of him as their chests still touched.

She moved back, creating a gap between them, "Sorry."

Well, this was gonna be an adventure.

authors note.

we're getting close to the end...
just an fyi, the way i'm writing the boat
scene is going to to be chopped up in about
20 chapters or so. it's definitely gonna be a LONG
ride ;) but anyways hope u enjoyed.

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