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fuck you, luke.

ARIA DRUMMED HER FINGERTIPS at a slow paced as she waited patiently for the blonde headed boy, eventually getting fed up and stepping outside of the vehicle.

She froze up as she saw the man that made her stomach turn.

His hair grayer then usual, his beard more stubby, his clothes wrinkled as his lips were chapped, everything made her become nauseous.

"No. Absolutely not." Aria immediately protested,
placing her finger harshly into her ex boyfriends chest.

"Just get in the truck, Aria." JJ demanded, his father climbing into the backseat as he walked to the opposite side.

Aria slid into the drivers seat, slamming her car door closed with annoyance, "what is the plan, huh? what is your great idea this time, JJ."

"Listen to me, okay? I need to get into the marina at the Island Club. There's a boat there he can take. You've got the sticker on your truck. Twenty minutes, that's all I need." JJ pleaded.

"The Twinkie's gonna be a submarine in 20 minutes." Aria protested, keeping the car in park as she stood her ground.

He sighed, "I know, Ari."

"Leave him, and we can come back!" Aria yelped, turning to face him with the tension between them growing visibly.

"The cops are after him, Aria!" He thundered, his chest rising up and down rapidly as he lowered his voice, "if I do this now, maybe I will never have to do it again."

Aria turned her head over her shoulder, feeling eyes gluing into her side profile, "don't look at me."

Luke quickly directed his eyes to the window beside him, the girl stepping on the gas roughly as the flew away from the Chateau.

She felt bad for JJ. Of course she did. That didn't change the fact that had no remorse for the men sat behind her.

As they pulled up to a small, hidden, and relatively quiet grocery store, JJ stepped out of the car with a wad of cash.

"You're a terrible father, you know that?" Aria scoffed, keeping her eyes glued on the door of the store.

"Set me straight." Luke chuckled, clearly brushing off her words like nothing.

Still not glancing at the older man, she turned slightly, "do you have any idea how special your son is? Like, even a clue?"

"He's a thief is what he is."

"What are you?" She shot back, "you're a wasted local salt who never did shit but get messed up and hustle people. Not exactly impressive."

Luke narrowed his eyes at her, shifting to the edge of his seat, "you know, you sound just like your mama. She was just like that in high school. Always thought she was better than everybody else. Kook princess. You know, I bet you're a lot like your mama. Slumming with the bad boys. Are you ungrateful little shit like she was?"

Aria sat there as she listened to him insult her mother, her leg began to bounce up and down, blood pumping through her veins.

The bell rang, JJ stepped out into the chilly air as his father continued to jab at her, "I bet you are. Miss Figure Eight, hoping up there on your high horse, riding around in daddy's car."

No matter how much she hated her mother in that moment, she'd never let anyone talk bad about her and get away with it.

Luke couldn't process her sudden movement quick enough as she slammed her elbow into his nose, making him groan loudly in pain.

"Don't talk about my family."

He glanced down at the screwdriver as he held his aching nose, the passenger door swinging open had him shifting his attention to his son.

"Let's get this over with, yeah?" Aria swallowed, starting the engine back up as she tucked her straightened strands behind her ears.

She gripped the wheel as she backed up the large truck, sighing lowly as Luke slumped in his seat, keeping himself hidden from any wondering police cars.

The drive was horrifyingly long, Aria put an immense amount of pressure on the small gas, being in the close distant with the man she hated most sent permanent chills down her spine.

They rolled up the the dock, the boy and his father stepping out with bags in their hands.

"Hey, Luke." Aria rolled down the window, capturing both of their attentions, she lifted her finger up his view, flicking him off with a smug smirk on her face.

He turned around, not before before shoved around by JJ.

She watched as the two walked off into the chilly day, rolling her eyes with a scoff as they soon disappeared.

With lingering thoughts in her mind as she waited for the blonde haired boys returned, she couldn't help but daze off.

Him filling her mind as the beaming sun shined down on her, tears blurring her vision as she blinked them away.

"C'mon." Aria opened the drivers door, shutting it loudly behind her as she walked down the long dock in search for him.

He stood at the edge of the wood, his shoulders low as he sniffled quietly, bringing his hand up to run it through his knotted strands.

"JJ?" She squeaked, making him turn around quickly.

"Oh, Aria."

She didn't say anything as she wrapped an arm around his waist, his arm slinging over her clothed shoulders as they two swayed back and forth in comfortable silence.

Only if this could last forever.

oh how much i missed u.
i hope you've all been hanging
in there.
i love u.

✧*̥˚ITS ALWAYS YOU! *̥˚✧ J.M 2Where stories live. Discover now