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Today is a slightly cooler day here in London. It's been really warm here all summer, but when I left our flat just now because I had another argument with Paul, a cold wind came straight at me.

Lately, the arguments between Paul and me have been happening more and more. At first they were just small arguments, but they are getting bigger and bigger and usually end with one of us leaving the flat.

The last four times this week it was him who left, but today it was me because he forbade me to fly away because of my job.

I don't know what's going on with him lately. When I met him, he was always nice and understanding. Even when we moved into my flat together after only 4 months of dating, everything was fine. But something has changed with him. Something that I don't like.

As I walk along my familiar path again, I look down at the Thames.

When the sun is shining, it always looks so beautiful and peaceful, but when it's raining and windy, it looks like a sea monster is going to come out of it any second.

After another hour of walking in the cool air to clear my head, I finally decide to head back.

When I enter through the flat door, I see Paul lying asleep on the couch. In front of him are empty shot glasses and only a half-filled bottle.

I hate it when he has been drinking.

I don't know why, but somehow it gives me a bad feeling when he no longer knows what he's doing and is no longer in the state to think properly.

I walk in his direction and take the half-full whiskey bottle and the glasses from the table, then put them away in the kitchen.

I don't want him to get the idea of drinking more after he wakes up.

"Come on, Paul. Let's go to sleep," I say as I try to get him to sit up somehow.

Even though Paul is very small and petite, he is heavier than expected.

When I finally manage and he is sitting up, I put his arm around my shoulder so that I can help him walk better.

How much has he drunk that he doesn't even wake up now?

I try to stand him up, but it doesn't work.

I let go of him again when he suddenly opens his eyes after all.

They are blood-red. Either from the alcohol he has drunk or from the fact that he has just been roused from sleep.

"Why did you wake me up?" he suddenly shouts at me.

I flinch a little because I am so startled.

JB and Me | jude bellingham Where stories live. Discover now