Chapter 3: "Not in the mood to not be scared"

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Hannah POV

We sit in complete silence for almost an hour. The landscape is changing fast by the window. I have Rosie on my lap, her eyes still puffy and red, but at least she stopped crying. James is on my left, and Jason is on my right, both clutching me extremely tight. They are crying silently even though they have tried so hard not to.

My eyes are all the time focused on our kidnappers. Werewolves, I've known that they are strong, but I didn't expect them to be that strong. 

 The only reason I had managed to pull that with this Andrew guy is cause he was stupid. He didn't pay any attention to what I was doing during the packing, and he was handsy, so when I created the occasion for him to feel me up, he went for it immediately. If I had managed to cut his throat with silver, he would have died; that's why he didn't put up any fight. I just didn't expect the strongest one to hurt him to get to me. The bastard doesn't even care about his people; why I was naive enough to think he would. I know from Maddie how cruel they can be.

"I have some questions" I finally decide to break the silence; we can't just go on like that. I will go crazy if I don't find out what they want from us.

"Ask," says the leader.

I must say he is pretty good-looking, very tall, very well built, with long blonde hair, green eyes, and a trim beard. They are all dressed casually, in jeans and shirts, but with this one, something is different. I can feel the power radiating from him, and his cold eyes make me nervous, and of course, because of him, one side of my face hurts like bitch. I'm sure I have a nasty bruise where he hit me.

"Are you from Blackwood Pack? Are you taking us there?" I ask, and I can feel twins clutching me even harder.

"Yes," he answers in a cold voice.

"Are you Hayden Blackwood?" I try so hard not to make my voice tremble.

"No, I am Mikkeli Blackwood, the Alpha of Blackwood Pack, Hayden's brother."

I bite my lip and turn my eyes away. I keep blinking to stop tears from coming and focus on my breathing to calm my racing heart.

"You shouldn't be so scared; no one is going to hurt you," says this Tony guy trying to smile at me.

But I am not in the mood to "not be scared." I am honestly terrified of what they are going to do to us. He is Hayden Blackwood's relative, which means the twins' biological father wants something from us. Maybe he won't hurt his offspring, but me and Rosie... Oh my God, what he's going to do to Rosie? She's technically the daughter of the man who slept with his mate, and I know he's capable of anything.

"Look, I know this wasn't the best way for all of us to meet," Tony continues, "but if we all stay calm, nothing bad will happen."

"Tony shut up; I'm irritated with all this whining," Mikkeli Blackwood growls.

"Mikkeli, please, they're scared; they are just children," he pleads with him but then keeps quiet.

We keep riding in silence; I can see Mikkeli's eyes on me, switching from his normal human ones to his wolf's ones from time to time until Rosie cries that she needs a bathroom break.

Mikkeli Blackwood looks extremely irritated,  but he grants us the stop at a petrol station.

"You are staying," he says as I make o move toward the door. "Tony, take the kids and make it quick."

My siblings seem frightened, but we are out of options, so I let them go without me. As my captor and I stay alone in the car, I keep avoiding looking at him.

"Look at me," he finally snarls, and I obey. I don't want to provoke him. "I'll say this only once, never dare to challenge me again, do you understand? Never try what you did with Andrew again, or there will be consequences you will not like. This is the last warning."

I gulp, biting my lips, which helps me not cry, he averts his eyes from me, and we sit in silence.

"Don't try to be tough. I know you are as scared of me as you should be," he whispers, but I still hear him.

"What do you want to do with us?" I ask, and he looks at me.

"My brother wants his children at home," he says as if it's explained everything. 

"They are not his children," I say, and he snarls, but I don't stop. "He has no right to..."

"I don't care," he interrupts me " I'm not interested in your family drama; Hayden will decide what to do with you, all of you. But..."

He reaches and grabs me by my arm and pulls me closer to him.

"...when we arrive at my pack, I won't tolerate disrespect towards my family and me. You don't want to get hurt again. You better behave."

"Let go of me," I say, and he listens, smirking.

By the time we reach his territory and houses, it is already evening. The packhouse is a big wooden mansion, and I must say wonderful. These jerks have good taste, that's for sure.

"Tony, take them to one of the guest rooms and call Rose to take care of them," says the Alpha and leaves immediately.

Tony helps us out of the car, I'm very wary of his movements, but I think it's best not to struggle and try anything. I can see other pack members looking strangely at all of us, and I know if I try anything, I have no chance. I had the chance at home, and I blew it. We walk silently after Tony as he leads us into the house. Again, I avoid looking at others. I carry Rosie, and the boys are following, still pretty much glued to both of my sides.

The place he takes us is the big, bright room with two big beds and an attached bathroom.

Soon after, the older woman comes into the room, and I immediately know who she is.

"Hello, my name is Rose. I am...."

"Maddie's mother, I know. Maddie drew your picture once and showed us," I interrupt

She has a tiny smile on her face, and she looks in the direction of the kids when they come from the bathroom.

"I'll bring you something to eat," she says " I'm sure you are very confused right now, but no one is going to hurt you, I promise you that."

"You all keep saying that, but the problem is, that I haven't heard your Alpha saying that. And I know that in the pack, only what Alpha says goes," I reply with a note of sarcasm.

"Honey, we were aware of where you were living for many years. If we had wanted to hurt you it would have happened many years ago. I don't know why Alpha decided to bring you all here, but I'm sure he has a reason. We only wanted to check on you after Hayden had felt your mom's death."

"They died last week in a car accident. Maddie and my father," I say, looking at her.

"I didn't know about your father," she replies. "Hayden felt only Maddie's death. I'm so sorry about your parents."

She has tears in her eyes and looks like she is in pain. So even though I'm not happy with what she did almost 12 years ago, I decide I will be friendly with her. If kids and I are ever going to leave this place, we will need help, and she's my best shot.

"James, Jason, Rosie, this lady is your grandma. You remember mom showed us her picture once."

The twins come closer to greet her properly. She smiles and hugs both of them. Then, she gently touches Rosie's cheek.

"I'll bring you something to eat; your bags will be here soon. I know it's hard, but please make yourself at home," she says and leaves.

The rest of the evening goes relatively calmly, if you can say it in our situation. We eat and chat a little with Rose despite her not answering any important questions, for example, "when can we go back home?"

I don't sleep much that night, probably because the kids want to sleep with me, and they keep hugging me so strongly that I can barely breathe. Of course, I checked the windows and the door, both locked. And even though I keep putting on such a tough front for my siblings, I'm scared. 

I'm scared of what will happen to us.

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