Chapter 39: "Unwanted"

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Mikkeli POV


I'm familiar with it; after all, it was one of my greatest companions during my childhood. For years I've learned how to deal with it, how not to let it consume me, and how to analyze and not panic. 

When I saw Rosie in Jake's arms, I knew that I couldn't take him head-on. His claws were on her neck, and no matter how fast I was, I would've never made it. Plus, there was determination in his eyes. For whatever reason, he did this; he was ready to go till the end.

So I did what he demanded and first put on the collar. In the pack, we call them rogue's collars; they are made of silver. When they are placed on werewolves, they make shifting almost impossible, and they cut the possibility of communicating through the mindlink. In the injection,  there was silver, not enough to kill, but enough to bury Byron very deep in my mind, so he won't be able to help me, and my strength would diminish significantly.

When I finished, Jake smirked and got in the direction of shelves, where in the wall, to my great surprise, was a tiny switch, which allowed him to unlock the door on the floor. I must say it was perfectly hidden; I've been spending in this study so many hours every day, and yet I haven't known there is a passage hidden here.

"Don't look so surprised, Mikkeli; your father left so suddenly that he didn't share with you many secrets of this house," Jake taunts as he forces me to go downstairs.

We are under the house in some kind of passage. I go first, and Jake follows but keeps a safe distance. Even though I'm getting weaker with every second, silver is working; he still is cautious with me.

The underground passage allows us to get into the woods, where is parked Jake's jeep. When we get closer, Jake smirks again and drops unconscious Rosie on the ground, I immediately rush towards him, but I'm already weak because of the poison. I feel a sharp pain, and the darkness surrounds me.

As I come to my senses, I feel a small hand on my cheek; I slowly open my eyes to see crying Rosie.

"Mikkeli, please wake up; I'm scared," she keeps whispering.

"It's okay, little one," I manage to say, and she immediately wraps her small arms around my arm.

I try to sit, but I can't; I'm chained to the floor with my two hands, I can only stabilize myself on my elbows lying on my stomach, and pretty much that's it. Rogue's Collar is still on my neck, and I feel a terrible pain in all my muscles; I know it's an effect of silver in my blood. I close my eyes and try to focus. 

Before I put this collar on myself, I tried to reach Hannah through our mating bond, and I'm sure she felt me, but now I can't sense her. I can only hope that she will somehow find me. Time, no matter what, I must give her as much time as I can.

I know this place. We are in the basement of my father's wooden cottage, the same one I took Hannah to after our first date.

"Rosie," I say as gently as I can, "If I tell you to run, you will run, do you understand?"

She keeps sobbing but nods her head, and the door to the basement gets opened. Jake comes downstairs. I can still see his usually stoic face as if nothing happened, as if he hasn't just kidnapped us.

"You can lock Rosie in the bathroom," I say. "There is no need for her to watch this."

For a moment, he is just looking at me and finally gets closer to grab Rosie, but first, he sends a strong kick into my stomach, directly in the place he cut with his claws before. I whimper in pain as Rosie screams when Jake shoves her to the corner of the room.

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