Chapter 9: "You touched what is MINE"

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Hannah above

Trigger Warning in this chapter!

Hannah POV

It's good to have some peace and quiet from time to time.

Another three weeks went by with not much incident, the pack was informed that we were staying, and actually, I'm pretty surprised, but most of them seemed quite happy with that. Especially Kyle and, to my surprise, also doctor Gideon. I guess I have a new friend now. After our encounter during the attack, we found out that we had a lot to talk about. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I wanted to study medicine. He's also quite close to my age. He came back home after finishing medicine school last year and was able to finish his studies because the pack paid for it. It also turned out that Mikkeli started the tradition of giving financial support to those members of the pack who show progress and want to learn. Another plus on the jerk's account, well, he's a good Alpha, I appreciate it, but he still can be the mean asshole all the time.

I also started my fighting training, and it turned out quite well. On my first day, Jake gave me a lot of hard time trying to "check my limits," as he kindly put it. Of course, I'm weaker than werewolves and don't have much chance if I face them in their wolf form. But I'm fast, and as Becca kindly said when she was watching my first day, I will be a perfect fighter one day. 

 During the training, I also have lots of possibilities to look at Mikkeli. He's also a very good fighter, although I haven't seen him in his wolf form yet. He often spars with his pack members when they are in their wolf forms, but he stays in human, where is usually lots of blood, but he keeps healing pretty fast. And he wins very often.

He keeps ignoring me most of the time, contrary to Hayden, who is happy with my decision to stay and tries to make us all feel at home. I'm conflicted about how I should feel about Hayden. He's the man who rejected and raped Maddie, the man who hurt her. But at the same time, I can see how much he's trying and cares.

James and Jason also spend lots of their time on training. Jake, Becca, Tony, Hayden, and even Mikkeli often teach them. Their mood has been better; they started smiling again. We decided that until we find out what is threatening us, they will be homeschooled, and they will go back to school. Hayden also suggests that I should think about going to college as I initially have been planning, maybe next year if everything turns out to be alright.

And if you think about my wolf friend, we keep seeing each other, if you can say something like this about the interactions with a werewolf. Mikkeli finally allowed me to walk again alone in the woods on the condition that I would tell Hayden or Tony where I was going and that I'd be back in half an hour. After one of our quarrels, when he again accused me of whoring around, this time with Gideon, I spent with my wolf almost 3 hours.

 Yes, he found me pretty much "very angry" in the woods, gave me the ride, played with me in the grass, and let me pet him as much as I wanted. I was trying to convince him to shift to show me who he was, but he was dead set on not doing it. Rose kept looking strange at me when I came home that day, and to my surprise, so did Hayden. I wonder if there is something they don't want to tell me.

The only thing I still do not feel quite comfortable with yet is the pack dinners. Before we decided that we were staying, we used to eat alone in the kitchen, but now everyone, and I mean everyone including Rose, Kyle, Hayden, Tony, Gideon, Becca, and of course Mikkeli, insists on us eating with the whole pack once a week. And since my status is lower than an omega, I'm helping Rose, Kyle, and other omegas serve everyone.

 I don't mind serving; that's not the problem. The problem is that Jake is looking at me, Andrew is looking at me, Mikkeli is looking at me, and some other pack members are looking at me as if I was some kind of dirt. I also could have heard whispers about "me thankfully knowing my place." I presume, as a human, I am at the total bottom of the pack. Thankfully neither the twins nor Rosie seems to notice how questionable our status in the pack is. And truth be told, Andrew's eyes on me keep bothering me more and more. He keeps bumping into me accidentally during my daily training, and I have a feeling he is seeking an occasion to be alone with me.

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