Chapter 27: "My choice"

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Byron, above

Smut warning in this chapter

Hannah POV

Mikkeli started screaming after two days. 

It has been a very painful mix of howling and whimpering, I can only imagine how loud he must be screaming if I can hear him from the living room from time to time, in how much pain Byron and he must be in. 

The packhouse is mostly empty. Tony, who is now in charge of the pack, has made sure that everyone who hasn't had to be here is somewhere else. It's not good for the pack members to witness their Alpha's suffering. 

 Gideon is responsible for taking care of Mikkel, which consists mainly of checking if he's still alive. I ask him twice every hour what is happening, but he only keeps reassuring me that the situation is under control, but at the same time, he's avoiding looking at me, so I'm also sure that the situation is very far away from being under control.

 Hayden keeps calming me down too, ensuring me that Mikkeli is strong and nothing bad will happen. And just like Gideon, he also avoids looking into my eyes.

Only Becca seems to be honest with me. She and a couple of warriors are all the time in the house just in case anything happened. She says that the biggest problem now is that we don't know how the situation will progress and that time is not in our favor. In a week, we will have a war, and we don't know if Mikkeli can be strong enough or even be able to take part in it. This is very bad for the fighting spirit in the pack. I appreciate her honesty, but I also have to appreciate my responsibility in this. 

 All this is happening because Mikkeli doesn't want to force me into mating with him. So he decided to risk his life, maybe risk the future of his people.

My siblings seem scared because of the tense situation in the house, and I'm so worried that I'm not helping in any way to calm them down. Rose and Hayden are mostly time in charge of them. After all, I cannot focus because I cannot sleep. 

I've spent the last few days pacing all the time around my room, unable to do anything. I feel like crying; I keep praying that the next couple of hours of Mikkeli's rut will be his last one. I know he is hurting and in pain and maybe on the verge of dying. 

But even though it has been four days already, the werewolf's Moon Goddess isn't so merciful.

With each Mikkeli's scream, I feel my heart breaks a little bit. With each Byron's painful howl, I feel pain going down my body. I know I am the one who has to make it better. I know Hayden will be extremely against it, and I know when Mikkeli will get better, he will be extremely pissed off at me if I do it, but I also know that it's my choice to be made, not theirs, and with that resolution, I knock to the alpha's office.

 I hear Tony's voice inviting me in; I take a deep breath and enter.

"Hannah, do you need anything?" He asks; he looks tired and worried; I doubt he's sleeping well these days, just like me.

"We need to talk about Mikkeli," I say, sitting in front of him.

"Situation is under control, and Alpha's orders were clear; he will be fine" his voice is so empty of any emotions.

"I came to you not because you are Beta but because you are Mikkeli's best friend. I know that situation is not good. I know you all are lying to me about his condition and that we don't have time. Every moment we are doing nothing, we only risk Mikkeli's and Byron's lives more. Don't interrupt me; please listen. I know Mikkeli is not ready to mark me, and he will never forgive me as much as I will not forgive myself if he does it in his state, but correct me if what I say is wrong. Rut enforces mating, not marking. It can be stopped immediately with sexual intercourse?"

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