Chapter 12: "Don't you dare"

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Mikkeli POV

It's been a whole three days. Three days of political negotiations, talking about treaty conditions, and discussing rogues and hunters' movements. But I was so unfocused that Tony, Hayden, Patrick, my Gamma, and Becca had to do most of the job. And I'm pretty sure they noticed it. During these three days, my eyes were constantly on her. I couldn't focus on anything except her.

During the welcoming night, when she was serving the drinks, I noticed some of the looks my guests were sending toward her. When one of my friends started flirting with her, I thought I would kill him. I was barely able to control myself. And he wasn't the only one; some of them also had very lustful eyes. Thank Goddess, most of them were only surprised by her presence. I'm pretty sure no human set foot on my land in at least 50 years. 

I was happy she didn't recognize anybody because, with the current hunters' threat, problems with allies would be very unwelcome. I for sure trust the treaties I made myself, but I'm not so sure about the treaties which my father forged. Thankfully strategies I developed with my closest allies should be enough to keep us safe in case of a hunter's attack.

Thank Goddess, I also have a lot of possibilities to train with other alphas and betas, and it suited me well because I am in a foul mood almost all the time, and thanks to the sparring, I had a chance to unleash at least a little bit of my anger. Byron is restless; he's so unhappy that he can't spend time with her any longer that I'm surprised I didn't kill anybody during the training by accident.

 I keep trying to convince myself that Byron is the only one who misses her, but I know it's a lie. I want her so much I can't stop thinking about it. I still wonder why she allowed me to get so close during our little encounter in the kitchen. My body pressed to her body, her arms around my neck, the smell of her skin; Goddess, I have never felt this good in my entire life, and for sure, I have never been that aroused in my entire life. I've slept with many women, I'm no saint, and I have never paid too much attention to mate bond to stay pure for my destinated one, but Hannah passing me in the hall is enough to send me into the cold shower for at least an hour. And I fucking hate it. I hate that I can't stop thinking about her and that I can't turn my eyes away from her.

Just like now, I can see her through the window of my study. She's talking with Gideon, who shows her some of his books, probably medicine books. I remember I heard that was what she wanted to study. He's definitely too close to her, and the fact that she's smiling isn't helping at all. Byron keeps pacing in my subconsciousness, ready to run and put his claws in Gideon.

"Is there a chance that I will get your full attention, Alpha?" I can hear Jake's irritated voice.

I growl a little bit. I do not appreciate his tone, but he sends me a pitiful look.

"I think you should reject her; the sooner, the better. You keep feeling the pull towards her, but after rejection, it will be less and less strong."

"What if I don't want to reject her" I reply with a slight snarl.

Jake looks at me; we've cold eyes. During my whole childhood, he was never one to give me pity looks, he was always straightforward and formal, as Beta should be, and I appreciated it.

"You don't want to accept her either. Let's be honest, Mikkeli, you are your father's son, weak human Luna doesn't suit you. You should have a strong warrior as your mate, someone who can lead with you, someone who can be loyal and not emotional all the time. You need a strong heir, not some half-breed, so your father's legacy can be upheld. And this jealous look doesn't suit you. Gideon knows she's your mate. He won't touch her. I'm sure he wants, but he won't touch her even if you reject her. He knows his position and the fact he's no match for you. Although I wouldn't be so sure about Hayden."

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