Chapter 20: "The longest full moon in my life" Part 2

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Mikkeli POV

Byron trots slowly through the forest with Hannah on his back. I feel his enjoyment of having her so close to him. I feel her tiny hands wrapped around his neck, and I know he's exceptionally content. She's no longer nervous. I can hear the steady beat of her heart, and I'm a little jealous that my wolf always gives her peace when I give her unsteadiness. She's so much more comfortable around him than around me. Hearing my thoughts, Byron is puffing with pride that our mate prefers him over me.

When we reach the packhouse, it's not quiet yet; only a few remaining people are still talking in the garden, but almost all the omegas are cleaning alongside some other pack members. Hannah and I don't say goodbye; she gets off Byron, pets him one last time, and gets into the house through the kitchen door. 

I make sure that no one has seen us and shift back, put my clothes on, and go slowly into my room. I'm still aroused because of her presence, and the memories from the forest flashing in my mind don't help me. I guess I will have to spend another half of the night in an icy cold shower. I am about to strip when I hear loud percussion and screaming. I bolt out of my room in the direction of the guestrooms. The closer I get, the louder snarls I can hear.

Hayden is lying on the floor, bleeding and bruised. Hannah is standing in front of him, trying to shield him from two black wolves, Jason and James. Just once glance at them, at their ruffled fur and bared fangs, and I know that it was them who had attacked my brother. Rosie stands at the opened door to the girls' bedroom and cries loudly. I can hear many footsteps, the noise has lured many pack members, but as soon as they assess the situation, they do nothing, looking at me to handle this.

My loud growl echoes through the corridor and stops Jason from launching at Hannah and Hayden.

"Shift now, both of you," my alpha's voice forces them to obey; they don't want to; they are furious, and they both whimper in distress, but they obey. I can see tears in their eyes, confusion, and for sure, betrayal.

"Both of you go to your room now."

They listen immediately, and I turn around to look at my pack members.

"Everyone go back to bed or to cleaning; this is a family matter. Rose and Gideon can only stay!"

Again I'm listened to; I'm not surprised no one dares to disobey an Alpha, especially in a situation like that.

"Rose, please take the little one," I point in the direction of still crying Rosie, "and go with her to your room. It will be better if she sleeps there with you today. I can handle this, I promise. Hannah, go to your brothers. I will be with you in a minute."

She only manages to give me a sad look and follows my order. After that, Gideon and I help Hayden to stand up. I can see that his wounds are pretty severe. I'm not surprised, considering the fact that he was attacked in his human form by two alpha wolves, even though they are still pups. I tell Gideon to take my brother to the infirmary but Hayden whimpers in protest.

"No, I have to talk with them, I have to talk with them now!"

"No, you have to take care of your wounds." I stop his movements when he wants to go after his sons.

"They know Mikkeli, they know I'm their father, someone told them, and someone told them that I raped Maddie," he whispers with a trembling voice with tears in his eyes.

I gently press his head to my chest, trying not to touch his wounds; he hugs me back, shivering.

"I'll do that, big brother. They need to calm down first. They need to have some space right now, I'm sorry, but they need this. I promise I will manage it; please go with Gideon and let him take care of you"

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