Chapter 15: "Elephant in the room"

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Kyle above

Hannah POV

After one of the best sleep in my life, I woke up alone, with no signs of Rosie, Jason, and Mikkeli. 

It later turned out that James had woken up, and my siblings were with him and Hayden in the infirmary. Mikkeli was gone because he, Tony, and some warriors left for at least a couple of days to deal with some pack businesses and help one of the allies deal with hunters leaving Hayden and the Gamma in charge of the pack.

But I am so pissed off that I almost scream at everyone who tries to talk with me. Maybe I exaggerate, but I feel like a one-night stand who wakes up in bed alone after a significant night. Everybody keeps asking why my mood is so low, but I feel no eagerness to share my feelings with anybody; only Kyle knows what happened. Thankfully he managed to leave the hospital very quickly; Becca is still on bed rest, Hayden's legs healed, and he can walk again.

After hearing about my "another touchy moment" with Mikkeli, Kyle actually asked me if I had ever considered being Luna of this pack. And that is a serious question. If we put aside my mixed feelings toward Mikkeli and obvious attraction towards him, accepting being his mate is not only accepting him in my life, it's also accepting me staying forever here in this pack. 

As a Luna, I will have duties and be forever bonded with this place; the problem is that wasn't my plan. I planned to go to college, get my degree, see the world, and move to the big city. One thing is staying here to raise the kids, and one thing is staying here forever to rule alongside Mikkeli, possibly. Or maybe I shouldn't worry myself in advance; after all, in his behavior towards me, Mikkeli is moodier than the 6-year-old with picking sweets.

"Penny, for your thoughts," says Hayden sitting next to me.

I gently smile:" I was thinking about nothing in particular."

For a moment, we just sit in silence, looking at the kids who are playing with Rose in her wolf form in front of the house.

"Can I ask you a personal question?" I finally decide to speak; after he nods, I say: "Do you and Mikkeli have different mothers?"

"How did you figure that out?" he looks at me, but he seems tenser than a moment before.

"It's just that every time anybody here speaks about previous Luna; it's always Hayden's mother; not even once has anybody described her as Mikkeli's mother. And I know that she left, like left your father when you were a teenager"

"I once told you that I was never a son to my father, but his heir," he gives me a sad look" it was the same with my mother; she was Luna of this pack, not his wife. She was a good mother, and we had a good relationship, but she wasn't happy, and it was not only because my father was a shitty husband. It was also because he was a shitty Alpha. She did an excellent job for the pack in that department when he didn't undermine her. He liked diminishing her role and humiliated her many times. And about Mikkeli... I was four when my father brought a newborn baby home one night and kindly informed my mum and me that it was her other son now. They had a big argument that night, like really big. I think he hit her, and he had never done this before. After that, it was mostly an elephant-in-the-room situation; everybody knew but said nothing. My mother didn't treat us differently; Mikkeli was quite fond of her, probably because she was the only person in the pack treating him good, her and Tony's family."


"Because my father raised me to be the next Alpha. He loved to pump my self-esteem by diminishing Mikkeli. Everything I did was almost perfect; everything he did was always wrong. My father could be harsh; sometimes, he was almost abusive toward Mikkeli. Thanks, Goddess; he spent most of the time ignoring him, which I know Mikkeli didn't appreciate, but I think it was better for him than being constantly "noticed" by our father."

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