Chapter 8

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Arthur had failed the test.

He and Merlin had ventured into the forest later that afternoon to find Anhora only for Arthur to fail his next test, Merlin was unsure of what it was as Arthur refused to speak of it. And because of it, all the remaining grain had rotted, and the water had turned to sand once more.

To make matters worse, Uther had refused to distribute what little food they had left to the people, insisting that they needed to feed their army in case of attack. Gaius had resorted to serving Merlin and Miriam rather large beetles to eat in the absence of food.

Miriam had barely managed to pick hers up without gagging before Gaius and Merlin bit into theirs and actually gagged.

So, it was safe to say that Miriam would've rather starved than eaten those.

Which was why she was now in the forest with Merlin calling out for Anhora.

"ANHORA! SHOW YOURSELF!" Merlin bellowed as they walked.


"You wanted to talk with me?" Anhora asked as he appeared behind the siblings.

"We've come seeking your help. The people are starving, and they will all be dead soon," Miriam explained.

"You must believe me when I say, it gives me no pleasure to see your people suffering," Anhora replied as he moved closer to them.

"If it pains you, put an end to it," Merlin said.

"It is not in my power to lift the curse."

"Then give Arthur another chance," Merlin begged. "He has accepted that it's his responsibility and he will prove himself worthy and lift the curse, if you give him one more chance."

"You have faith in Arthur?" Anhora asked.

"I trust him with my life," Merlin nodded.

"Not you. You," Anhora corrected as he pointed at Miriam with his staff. "Do you have faith in Arthur?"

Miriam's jaw tensed as she ignored the message her brother was trying to send with his eyes.

"I have faith that he will do whatever it takes to save his people," she answered honestly, and Merlin held his breath as Anhora contemplated her words.

"Arthur must go to the Labyrinth of Gedref. There he will face a final test," Anhora relented before vanishing and reappearing behind them. "If he fails, there is no hope." once again he disappeared only to reappear again. "The curse will destroy Camelot."

But this time Anhora was gone for good.

"Wait! What kind of test will he face?" Merlin called out and Anhora's voice seemed to be coming from every direction.

"That is for Arthur alone to discover."

"Be lucky that we got a second chance, big brother," Miriam pointed out and Merlin's eyes widened.

"We have to tell Arthur!"

Merlin began to run off but as Miriam began to follow him, she skidded to a halt as Anhora appeared in front of her once more.

"You aren't finished with me, are you?"

Anhora shook his head.

"In order for the curse to be lifted, you must be part of the final test."

Miriam only nodded, knowing that she was no match against Anhora's magic with her sword. She could only hope that Arthur actually came.

And with that, they both vanished from the forest.

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