Chapter 35

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"Gaius!" Merlin called as he ran into the physician's chambers to find the healer asleep at his desk, just like the rest of Camelot.

A couple weeks after the Crystal of Neahatid had been returned to the vaults, a farmer had come into the throne room earlier that day to inform the kind that he'd spotted smoke coming from the ruins of Idirsholas. The Legend said that if the fires were lit once more, the Knights of Medhir would rise too. They were once knights of Camelot until they fell prey to a sorceress who turned them into the deadliest warriors ever known, and only when she died did the knights rest.

Uther had sent Arthur to investigate, merely to assure the people that everything was fine as both he and his son believed it to be superstitious nonsense, which was why Uther didn't request Miriam go along with them.

They had been wrong.

Only Merlin and Arthur survived the trip and returned to the kingdom only to find all its occupants in a deep sleep, unwakeable.

"Miriam!" Arthur called as he noted the girl fallen on the floor, Merlin's attempts to wake Gaius ceasing.

"This has to be the work of magic," Merlin said as Arthur rested Miriam's head on his lap when an idea popped into his head. "Kiss her."

"Merlin!" Arthur snapped, slightly scared of what he was insinuating.

"If magic caused her to fall asleep then maybe magic can wake her up," he suggested and Arthur gave him an incredulous look.

"And do you know any magic in a kingdom where magic is forbidden?!"

Merlin rolled his eyes.

"They say love is the most powerful magic in the world, so maybe it's powerful enough to break the sleeping spell on Mira."

Arthur only looked down at her longingly before gently brushing the hair from her face.

"We agreed that we couldn't after all that happened with Lady Vivian," Arthur said softly.

"Well, I don't even know if it'll work but if you want her to wake up, it may be the best chance she has. And if it doesn't then she won't even know," Merlin pointed out.

Arthur only hesitated for a second more before he lowered his lips down to Miriam's.

As he pulled away, her body seemed to inhale a breath before her eyes opened.

"Arthur," she said as she became aware of her surroundings, lifting her hand to his cheek.

"You're alright," he sighed happily, leaning into her touch, surprised that the kiss actually worked before helping her to her feet and she grinned as she hugged her brother.

"Mira, what happened here?" Merlin asked as he gestured to Gaius.

"I don't know. Gaius and I have been treating fevers all day and it seemed to be spreading and then one by one people began falling asleep," she explained. "What about you? How was your quest?"

"The knights are real," Merlin said and her eyes widened.

"Merlin and I were the only survivors," Arthur added.

"Well thank god you did survive," she said to them both as she squeezed Arthur's hand.

"We have to find my father," he said.

"Go, I'll catch up. I need to change my clothes and fetch my sword," she said and Arthur seemed rather reluctant to let her out of his sight again. "Go."

And finally, they separated.


"You found him," Miriam said as she burst into the King's chambers, her trousers and armour on and sword attached to her hip.

"Miriam," Morgana sighed in relief as she moved to hug her friend, unaware of the slight hesitancy on Miriam's part.

"Who could've done this?" Arthur asked before his eyes lifted to his adoptive sister. "You're the only one who's not been affected, Morgana, there must be a reason."

Miriam had to admit she was curious.

"I don't know," the ward said after a glance at Merlin.

"That's all you keep saying! You must know something!" Arthur exclaimed as he moved around the table his father had collapsed at and towards Morgana.

"No. They just fell asleep! One by one," Morgana answered, clearly very distressed.

"It's obvious. When she started feeling sick, Gaius gave her a potion. Right?" Merlin added and Miriam's brows furrowed as did Arthur's.

"When was she sick? She never said that," Arthur said.

"She was one of the last to be affected. Somehow the potion must've helped," Merlin continued.

"What about everyone else?" the prince asked.

"By then Gaius was too ill. He didn't have the chance to heal anyone else."

"What about you? Do you know of any potion?" Arthur asked Miriam, Merlin giving her a look over his shoulder but she ignored him.

"No. I've been tending to those in the lower town. If Gaius created a potion I have no knowledge of it, he was already asleep when I returned to his quarters and I fell asleep soon after," she answered honestly and Arthur still seemed frustrated.

"Merlin, go see if you can find this potion," Arthur ordered, his servant complying. "Mira and I will search for survivors in the lower town. Morgana, you stay here and keep my father safe. Protect him with your life, understand?" he asked as he handed Morgana a sword before he and Miriam went running out the door.

"Arthur," Miriam said as they moved.

"What is it?"

"Your father will be fine."

Arthur stopped.

"You don't know that."

"Yes, I do. Because if your father is anything like you, he is strong enough to overcome this."

The look he gave her was quite adoring, like he was wondering how she always knew what words would soothe him best. At least that was until his eyes widened in horror.

"What is it?" Miriam asked, worried as she turned around to see what Arthur was staring at.

On the horizon, approaching the castle was a group of 8 knights.

"Stay here. I'll get Merlin," Arthur said as he ran for Gaius's quarters and Miriam swallowed thickly.

If those knights were really what the legends said, they were doomed.

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