Chapter 59

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"We have to find a way to smuggle Miriam out of Camelot," Merlin announced as he walked into Arthur room, the prince standing by the windows at his desk as he watched them build the pyre Miriam was to be killed on.

"My father has me under constant watch. There are guards outside and below in the square," Arthur said, voice soft and full of anguish. He then turned to his servant, blue eyes sparkling with tears. "I can't watch her die, Merlin," he said, knowing that he would force himself too, to punish himself. It was his fault, it was him that got her into this mess and now she was paying the price, the least he could do was watch even if the memory haunted him to his dying day. He didn't want to watch it happen because then it meant that he could do nothing to stop it. But he would watch it.

Merlin didn't say anything as he turned to leave.


He turned.

"For what it's worth, I'm sorry I dragged your little sister into this mess."

The lump in Merlin's throat swelled.

"It's not your fault," was all he said before marching out. Was all he could say. Because in truth, Merlin was on the verge of breaking down as well.


Miriam threw her arms around her brother, squeezing him tight after he set the tray of food he brought her down.

"Mira, I'm so sorry!"

"I'm the one who's sorry," she sobbed into his shoulder before pulling away and she began pacing. "Please, uh, please tell mum that I'm sorry and that I love her. And Gaius, that I'm thankful for all he's done. And Gwen, for being my first friend in Camelot. And Gwaine -"

"Miriam Wyllt! You are not dying today," he promised as he stopped her from pacing, the use of her full name jarring her. They never used each other's full names. The day Miriam used Merlin's full name, his real name, was the day he knew he was going to die by her hand.

"Merlin, we both know Morgana's behind this, I mean she smiled after I was sentenced to die. I don't think it was a coincidence that Arthur and I were discovered at all. But Uther will never see reason when it comes to her. You know that."

Merlin only placed his hand on her heart.

"The Fisher King and Kilgharrah said that your heart never steers you wrong. So, tell me, do you trust me?"

"With my life," she answered instantly.

"Do you have faith in me?"

"Of course."

"Then believe that I am going to get you out of here."

The sound of keys then rattled and Miriam jumped into her brother's arms as she held him tight.

"I love you so much, Merlin."

"I love you too."

"And tell Arthur I love him."

"I will. Don't lose hope Mira," Merlin whispered before he was pulled off her and out of the cell, leaving Miriam to collapse on the bedroll she had.

Her heart seemed to brighten as she thought of his words.

Despite the fact that the pyre she would soon be burned to death on was nearly complete, she had hope that her brother would save her.


"Gaius?" Miriam called as she tentatively walked into his chambers to see him sitting at his desk trying to brew something.

"Miriam. Thank goodness at least you are alright," he said as he stood to hug her.

"What happened? What did Merlin do? They told me I was pardoned."

Gaius sighed.

"Since we could not turn in the true sorcerer behind all this, your brother sought to invent one."

"Invent one?" she asked with a furrowed brow.

"He performed an aging spell to disguise himself and then got himself caught planting a poultice under Arthur's pillow so Uther would have no choice to set you free."

"I'm free, so where is he?"

"The spell was too strong for him to break, he's still stuck in that form and in that form, Uther has ordered him to be burned in your place on the pyre."

Her eyes widened in horror.

"Tell me that there's an antidote? A spell, charm, something that can reverse this?!"

"There is an antidote, but I can't seem to get the correct formula."

"Well let me help you."

"No," Gaius said as she tried to walk past him towards the table. "Miriam after all you've endured, you need some rest."

"I will rest once my brother is safe. Now show me this antidote."

And to work they went.


Miriam had been sitting on her bed in her and Merlin's shared room as she anxiously awaited her brother's return, Gaius having gone out to give him the antidote.

The only problem is that it was dawn, and Merlin was set to be executed at this very moment and worry was eating away at her.

"Where is she?" came a familiar voice as the door to Gaius' chambers opened.

"Right here," Miriam answered as she barrelled into her brother's arms.

"You're ok," Merlin sighed in relief as he pressed a kiss to her hair, Miriam slapping his back.

"I'm ok? What about you?! You were the one who was almost killed in my place!" She exclaimed as she pulled away. "Of all the stupid plans Merlin!"

"It worked, didn't it?" He chuckled and Miriam only hugged him again.

"Thank god it did. Thank you for saving me."

"You are my baby sister. I would die for you in a heartbeat if it meant that you were safe."

"But you're not dying anytime soon or by god, I will kill you."

Merlin laughed.

"I don't doubt that."

"As sweet as this reunion is, now that things are back to normal and no one is trying to kill either of you, Miriam can go back to delivering these tonics to the knights in the castle," Gaius interrupted as he shoved a satchel into her arms.

"I certainly missed this," Miriam smiled sarcastically as Merlin kissed her cheek and she was out the door. 

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