Chapter 78

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"Miriam, you needn't get so worked up over it," Gaius said as the girl walked around their chambers at a hurried pace, putting things away.

"Oh yes, I do! We went through all this drama with Aerdian. Arthur knows he can trust you, it's Agravaine that's influenced his mind."

"And there is nothing we can do about it," Gaius said as he handed her vials to put away.

"Maybe not about Agravaine, but I'd like to think that I've got just a bit more sway with Arthur than his uncle -oh. This is Merlin's anti-aging potion," Miriam realised as she held a bottle filled with a blue liquid. She began to head to their room as she continued ranting. "So, mark my words Gaius, you will not be going down for Agravaine's betrayal. I will see- who are you?" Miriam asked as she walked back out of the room to see two men, one carrying an unconscious Gaius. "Leave him be!" she yelled as she reached behind the door for her sword. But the cloaked man merely banged his staff on the ground and a white light sprung from the tip as it hit Miriam.

The young apprentice was then knocked to the ground, sword clattering from her hand as her eyes closed and darkness swallowed her.


"How can you believe this?" Merlin asked softly, the boy leaning against a pillar in the council room as Arthur sat in his throne, Agravaine just having left. He'd managed to convince his nephew that Gaius was the traitor and that either Miriam was in cahoots with him or enchanted this entire time, that none of it was real. For in the middle of the night, the bells had rung, and the discovery of two missing horses from the stables as well as missing clothes and a magic book inside Gaius' chambers, all of this happening while Merlin was given a task by Agravaine to distract him.

"I know how you must feel. He's been consorting with sorcerers. He more or less admitted to it," Arthur replied.

"You don't know how I feel. I've been betrayed, though not by Miriam or Gaius. By you."

"Excuse me?" Arthur questioned.

"Gaius gave his life to this kingdom, to you and your father. He would never betray you. And Mira - if you truly believe what Agravaine said about her and that she betrayed you, then maybe you never loved her at all."

"Enough!" Arthur bellowed as he stood. "I know it's hard, but no break-ins were reported. Their possessions are missing, horses have been stolen."

"You weren't there the night that Miriam was almost banished from Camelot," Merlin said to the king, eyes lined with tears. "She'd never willingly leave, especially without at least saying goodbye to me and neither would Gaius."

Merlin turned his head away, not wanting Arthur to see him cry as the king exhaled heavily.

"Agravaine has made this story up," Merlin revealed.

"I shall ignore that last comment."

"Because he's your uncle, you can't see who he really is, what he's done and -"

"Merlin! I've had my heart broken enough today and I don't want to lose another friend. Gaius condemned himself. There is no more to be said," Arthur shouted as he slapped the magic book down on the table.

Merlin turned back to Arthur, tears trailing down his face.

"You lost me when you condemned my little sister who you claimed to love to the same fate."

And he left the room.


"Well, well, well. Look who finally came to join the party," Morgana drawled as Miriam's eyes fluttered open. She realised her hands were bound first. Metal shackles that were attached to the stone wall of the cave they were in were tight on her wrists as she tugged at them and then the matching manacles that were locked around her ankles.

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