Chapter 40

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Balinor had created a salve that he pasted over Arthur's wound before beginning a chant and proclaiming that he would be better by morning.

So while he slept, Miriam and Arthur sat around a small fire in the cave, Balinor sitting opposite them as they ate.

"Looks good," Merlin said, trying to start a conversation since he knew his sister was unlikely to do so. "How long have you lived here?"

"A few winters."

"Must be hard."

"Why are you here?" Balinor asked, dropping all pretence.

"Just travelling," Merlin answered, giving his sister a look that told her to play along. "We're looking for someone. We were told...well, they said that he lived somewhere hereabouts. A man named Balinor. Have you heard of him?"

And just like that, she was over it as she set her bowl down on the floor.

"You are Balinor and you are a Dragonlord are you not?" she asked outright, Merlin's eyes growing wide.

"Who are you?!" Balinor asked.

"I'm... Merlin and this is my sister Miriam," Merlin answered, Miriam knowing that he had been so tempted to reveal that they were his children.

"And him?" he asked, pointing at Arthur.

"He's our master," Merlin said.

"His name?"

"His name is...Lancelot. He's a knight, but a nice one," he lied and Balinor only leaned closer to them.

"His name is Arthur Pendragon. He's Uther's son."

"Yes," Miriam confirmed.

"This is Cenred's kingdom. He's asking for trouble. What do you want from me?"

"The Great Dragon is terrorising Camelot," Miriam explained, her brother now the silent one.

"His name is Kilgharrah," Balinor said.

"And we can't stop him. Only you, a Dragonlord, can," she continued.

"He does not act blindly. He kills for a reason, vengeance. This is of Uther's making."

"But the innocent men, women and children that did nothing to deserve his rage are being slaughtered."

"Uther pursued me! Hunted me like an animal!" Balinor raged.

"We know," Merlin piped up.

"What do you children know about anybody's life?!" Balinor exclaimed as he stood. "Uther asked me to use my power to bring the last dragon to Camelot. He said he wanted to make peace with it, but he did not. He lied to me! He betrayed me! And you want me to protect him?"

Miriam stood as she challenged him.

"I want you to protect Camelot."

"He killed every one of my kind! I alone escaped."

"Where did you go?" Merlin asked as Miriam sat back down.

"There's a place called Ealdor. I had a life there. A woman. And a son," he said almost regretfully.

Miriam's face fell slightly as she looked at her brother who didn't return her glance but gripped her hand tightly as they listened.

"Ealdor is beyond Uther's realm but he still pursued me. Why would he not let me be? What was it that I had done, that he wanted to destroy the life I built, abandon the family I loved? He sent knights to kill me. I was forced to come here, to this. So, I understand how Kilgharrah feels. He lost every one of his kind, every one of his kin. You want to know how that feels? Look around. Let Uther die and Camelot fall."

Miriam had been about to stand and tear Balinor a new one, but Merlin's hand held her down.
"What if two of the people that you let die were your children?" he asked and Miriam's breath was stuck in her throat.

"I have only a son. And what do you know of him?" Balinor asked, but before they could say any more Arthur began to talk in his sleep.

He called Miriam's name.

But rather than tend to Arthur, Miriam followed her father out of the cave.

Balinor stood on the banks of the river, on the rocky shores as Miriam approached, the sun barely rising but the breeze cool and smelling like rain.

"I will not help Uther," he said and Miriam only sighed.

"I did not come after you to persuade you," she said.

"Then what did you come for?"

"I came to tell you of my mother."

"Why would I care about your mother?" he asked, still not deigning to look at her.

"My mother's name is Hunith."

And just like that, Balinor's gaze snapped to her.

"Her name is Hunith and I was born on a small farm in an even smaller village called Ealdor. Merlin is my older brother and we never knew our father. Merlin claims to have a vague memory of him but I have nothing. I don't remember him. I don't know what he looked like or sounded like and my mother refused to talk about him. I just know that while I was born with nothing, my brother was born with magic. But even his magic is useless against Kilgharrah ."

Balinor's mouth was hanging open as Miriam's eyes began to fill with tears that dripped down her face.

"I don't know what kind of man you are, but I'm asking you, I'm begging you, as your daughter, to please, help save the kingdom your children call home."

Balinor's mouth only closed, no sound nor answer escaping. But his silence was answer enough as Miriam began to laugh despite the fact that her face was an expression of utter despair and disappointment.

"You know you claim to hate Uther and I can see why, but even he has more care for his son than you do. I don't know why I expected you to be any better."

And as she wiped the tears that Merlin and Arthur were unable to see as she made her way to the horses.

Guess they were returning to Camelot empty-handed. 

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