Chapter 37

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Merlin had set Kilgharrah free.

And for three days the dragon had terrorised Camelot, Arthur and his knights exhausted as they tried to shoot him down.

Miriam wasn't able to fight as she wasn't skilled enough with a crossbow or a bow and arrow, so she was helping Gaius tend to those who'd made it to the medical building seeking help for their wounds.

"I don't know if the people can survive a third night of this," Miriam said to her master.

"You must trust in Arthur," Gaius said simply.

"I do, but this is a dragon of the Old Religion we're talking about Gaius. As much as I have faith in Arthur, even he has little chance under these circumstances."

"I fail to see another alternative to defeating the dragon," Gaius answered before Gwen came rushing up to her.

"Gaius, Miriam, there's no clean water left," she said and Miriam turned to Gaius with a grave expression.

"I know but it's too dangerous to go out there," Gaius replied and Miriam only picked up a bucket as she headed for the door.

"Miriam, don't!" Gaius protested but she was already outside.

It was moments like this that Miriam was glad she was still in her pants from three days ago when the knights attacked, despite the fact that her armour was still in Gaius' chambers.

Jumping over fallen debris and fallen knights, Miriam made her way to the well, turning the wheel to lower the bucket down as fast as she could.

But with her back to the square, she was unable to see or hear Arthur call for the square to be cleared as the dragon circled overhead.

"Mira!" he called but she didn't hear him as she began turning the wheel the other way to pull the bucket, now full with water, back up.

"MIRIAM!" Arthur bellowed and she spun to see Killgarah flying right for her. Not exactly how she planned to meet the dragon.

Abandoning the bucket, Miriam ran, Arthur chasing after her before crying out as the dragon's claws scratched him as he tackled Miriam to the ground.

"Arthur? Arthur?!" she asked worriedly as she looked from the prince to the sky, the dragon flying away.

"I'm fine," he promised as they pulled each other to their feet, hands still linked as they ran for cover, both bruised but alive.


"Me calling you a stupid prat is absolutely warranted when you go risking your life like that," Miriam said, more worried than angry as she sat before a shirtless Arthur and cleaned the claw marks that had cut his shoulder.

"I wasn't going to let anything happen to you," Arthur said, his words making Miriam smile which made him smile as he held her hand to his chest, rag cool on his skin as it had been dipped in the water Miriam went back for.

Their eyes met as they shared a smile, and for that moment it felt as if it was just the two of them in the whole world.

And a little ways behind them Gaius witnessed the moment as a smile of approval covered his face.


"The dead number 49 men, 27 women, a further 18 women and children are unaccounted for. Most of last night's fires are now out. The castle walls, in particular, the western section are near to collapse. I could go on," Arthur reported to his father as he, many of the knights, Merlin, Gaius and Miriam gathered in the war room.

"Do we have any idea how the beast escaped?" Uther asked.

"I regret to say, sire, we don't," Sir Leon answered, Merlin seeming especially guilty from Gaius' side.

"There must be some way to rid us of this aberration," Uther said as he gazed out the window, Arthur removing his gloves as he sat down tiredly, no one giving Uther a solution. "Gaius?" he asked.

"We need a Dragonlord, sire," he said.

"You know very well that is not an option," Uther replied.

"Sire, what if there was indeed, one last Dragonlord left?"

"That's not possible."

"But if there was?" Gaius persisted as Uther moved closer to them in both curiosity and caution.

"What are you saying?"

"It's just a rumour."

"Go on."

"I'm not exactly sure, but I think his name is Balinor."

"Balinor," Uther repeated.

"Where does he live?" Arthur asked.

"He was last seen in Cenred's kingdom. In the border town of Engerd. But that was many years ago," Gaius answered.

Arthur then stood, an arm to his shoulder and Miriam had to resist rushing to check on it.

"If this man still exists, then it is our duty to find him," Arthur said.

"Our treaty with Cenred no longer holds. We are at war. If you're discovered beyond our border, they'd kill you," Uther pointed out.

"I will go alone. That way I'll not be detected," Arthur suggested.

"No Arthur, it's too dangerous."

"More dangerous than staying here? I will not stand by and watch my men die when I have the chance to save them."

"I have given you my orders," Uther said, voice deep and unyielding.

"Do not make this a test of wills, father," Arthur asked.

"I'm not talking to you as a father, I'm talking to you as a king!"

"I will ride immediately," Arthur said softly as he walked past Uther.

"My concern is for you."

"Mine is for Camelot. I'll send word when I've found him."

"My prince," Miriam spoke up and Arthur knew what was coming and he'd really tried to get out of there before she could say something. He really hated his title coming from her lips. "I'm afraid I must insist I accompany you. With your wound, finding Balinor is no good if you die from infection."

"What wound?" Uther asked worriedly.

"It's nothing," Arthur stressed, glaring at Miriam. "I was scratched by the dragon last night. I'm fine, but I will take Miriam with me if it eases your mind."

"It would," Uther said and Arthur had long since lost this battle, so he just turned to Merlin and said,

"Prepare the horses."

And with that, the two siblings bowed and curtseyed to the king before following Arthur out of the room. 

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