Chapter 48

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(A/N: I know it's not exactly the same style of dress that is typically worn in Camelot but it was the closest I could find, so that's Miriam's dress above. I hope you enjoy. XxD)


Miriam didn't understand her brother sometimes.

He'd returned from a trip with Arthur to reveal that he had been to the crystal cave, the place where magic was said to be born. It was also where the crystal of Nehatid was from. And Merlin was now paranoid as the visions he'd seen in the cave were coming true. And all of them led up to Uther's death at Morgana's hand.

Tonight, however, was Morgana's birthday banquet, and despite everything that was going on between Morgana and Merlin, Morgana was under the pretence that Miriam was oblivious to everything. So, Miriam was forced to act like she was still Morgana's friend, and that included getting her a birthday present.

"Morgana? Are you here?" Miriam asked as she knocked on Morgana's open door, a large box in her hands.

"Miriam. Please come in. I feel as if I haven't seen you in years," Morgana smiled as she pulled her friend into a hug.

"I know and I'm sorry. I've been very busy with Gaius and training with Arthur. But I have a present to make up for it," she smiled as she held out the box and Morgana beamed.

"Oh, Mira, you shouldn't have."

Morgana set the box down as she opened it up, gaping at Miriam as she pulled the lavish white dress out.

"I had it made for your birthday. I hope it's to your satisfaction."

"It's stunning. I love it," she said as she hugged Miriam again, Miriam who wished that this was what Morgana was always like.

"I'm glad," Miriam replied as Morgana withdrew from their hug.

"Please, borrow one of my dresses for tonight."

"Oh, I couldn't -"

"I insist. In fact, I think I have the perfect one," Morgana proclaimed as she pulled Miriam over to her wardrobe.

This should be interesting. 


Arthur had been discussing something with his father as they sat at the banquet table in their thrones, a studded circlet of silver on his head when the fanfare sounded.

"My lords, and ladies and gentlemen of the Camelot, might I present the woman of the evening, the Lady Morgana!" the servant announced as the fanfare sounded and the doors opened.

Uther's eyes were in awe as Morgana walked in, dressed in the gorgeous silver dress that Miriam got her along with matching jewellery.

Gwen was even prettily dressed in one of Morgana's purple dresses as she walked behind her mistress.

But Arthur's eyes weren't on either of them.

They were on Miriam as she walked in with them, and his jaw seemed to fall to the floor.


All he saw was blue.

Miriam's dress was the same electric blue as her eyes, and it shimmered like the night sky as she moved.

Her raven hair was unstyled as it fell in its usual waves, her face free of makeup and body free of jewellery.

And Arthur knew he'd never seen anyone more beautiful in his life, nor would he ever see anyone more beautiful.

Merlin was watching with a smug grin as he nudged the prince who coughed as he regained his composure, thanking Merlin before he realised Miriam was walking over to them.

"Mira, you look stunning," Merlin complimented as he hugged his sister.

"Thank you. Morgana loaned me her dress," she smiled before she turned to Arthur. "Arthur," she said as she dropped into a small curtsey.

"Miriam," he returned as he bowed his head. "You look...." Arthur couldn't even find the words.

"I think that's his way of saying you look nice," Merlin butted in, and Arthur smacked his head, earning a glare from Miriam who crossed her arms over her chest.

"Sorry," Arthur muttered, and Miriam only moved to take her brother's arm.

"You might want to take your seat, my prince. Your father is about to make his toast."

"Right," Arthur said, still not quite able to form coherent sentences.

"Arthur," Uther called, the prince flinching as he turned.

"Coming father," he responded diligently as he moved to sit down, leaving a giggling Miriam and Merlin as they leaned against the walls.

"I never knew you were as evil as Morgana is," Merlin chuckled.

"Well, even though I didn't wear this for Arthur, he still deserves to be knocked down a peg or two."

"I love you," Merlin said as he kissed his little sister's temple and she beamed.

"I love you too, Merlin."

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