Chapter 63

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Though anything between Miriam and Arthur wasn't important compared to whatever else was happening. Their relationship drama was insignificant compared to what else happened.

They'd lost the cup to Cenred's men.

Morgause had used it to transform Cenred's army into immortal warriors that couldn't be killed.

Arthur had been injured by a poisoned arrow.

Almost the entire army of Camelot had been slain.

Gwen was missing, but her brother and Gaius weren't.

Uther was being held prisoner.

And worst of all, Morgana Pendragon had been crowned Queen of Camelot.

And Arthur had been right there to watch it happen as his sister betrayed her family.

The small band of renegades were now huddled in a small cave in the Darkling Woods, with nothing but a water source and what little supplies they'd been able to pilfer from Camelot before they were run out.

For a week they'd been there now, and Arthur had merely sat there, hopeless and speaking next to no words.

He even refused to make fun of Merlin as he served his prince the little food, they'd been able to hunt with so many of Morgana's men in the woods.

"Arthur, get up," Miriam ordered, finally having enough of it all, and having been asked by her brother to see if she could get through to him.


"I mean it, Arthur. Get up."

Begrudgingly, Arthur rose to his feet as he followed Miriam to the back of the cave where she sat at the second entrance, keeping watch and talking some sense into him.

"What do you want, Miriam?" he asked as he sat opposite her, a small gap between them as they peered through the vines and leaves that concealed the entrance, both of them dressed in armour that Merlin retrieved from Camelot.

"I want to know why you aren't being the prince I know you are. I want to know why you're still sitting here and sulking."

"Because he lied! My entire life he lied! And now I'm expected to save him? He deserves to-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence," she scolded in outrage. "Arthur he may have lied to you, but he is still your father, he would've had his reasons. But right now, your father, your kingdom and your people need your help."

Arthur only looked out through the vines, as close to sunlight as Arthur could get.

"I've known her all my life. How could she do this?" he asked in despair and Miriam only took his hand, the first contact they'd had in weeks.

"I can't answer that but she's tormenting your kingdom and your people and your father, and we have to stop her."

Arthur's eyes lifted from their joined hands to her eyes. Her teary eyes had tormented his dreams along with many other demons for the last few weeks.

"How can you defend my father after all he's done to you?"

Her hand tensed in his as she inhaled sharply.

"Because I know that if your father dies, you will torment yourself with guilt and all will be lost. And I can't stand to see you in pain."

Something in Arthur seemed to shatter.

"Mira, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry about that druid boy. I'm sorry about what my father did to you. I'm sorry that I've barely spoken a word to you in the last week. I'm so sorry."

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