Chapter 55

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"This is the border. By Uther's decree, I can go no further," Gwaine said as they arrived back at Camelot, the castle visible in the distance.

"I'm sorry Gwaine. There's nothing I can do to change that," Arthur said.

"Maybe one day," Merlin added.

"Yeah, when Camelot gets itself a half-decent king," Gwaine smirked.

"Careful. He is my father," Arthur warned.

"Well, you can't have everything, huh?"

"Where will you go this time?" Miriam asked, her horse next to his.

Gwaine merely stuck his finger in his mouth before pulling it out, testing the wind mockingly before announcing, "I think I'll ride south."

Merlin only looked at Arthur.

"You can't keep living like that," he said to his friend.

"Yeah, but it's fun trying."

Miriam then leaned over, pulling Gwaine's cheek to meet her lips as Arthur spurred his horse into a slow walk.

"Until the next time we meet," she smiled as she righted herself on her horse and Gwaine winked at her.

"Thanks, Gwaine," Merlin said before following after Arthur who turned back and called,

"I'll remember this, Gwaine."

Gwaine nodded before struggling to catch the small leather pouch Miriam tossed him.

"In case you ever actually need to pay your tab," she grinned.

"Miriam, I can't," he said as he tried to hand it back. "You need it more."

She chuckled.

"It's Mira to you. And it's not mine. Uther has so many coins that he won't notice if a few are gone."

Gwaine's laugh was loud and hearty.

"You are much more than what I expected, Mira," he remarked as he raised the bag in salute to her, the girl smiling at the words she said to him during their last farewell.

"And don't you forget it."

And as she motioned for her horse to walk forward Gwaine called from behind her, "I shall count the days until we meet again."

She turned back, hair wispy in the wind.

"As shall I."


"Miriam!" called Arthur as he spotted the girl walking down the corridor, nose in her notebook.

"Arthur. Did you need my help with something?" she asked as she lowered it, stopping in her tracks as she waited for Arthur to catch up.

"What do you write in that thing?" he asked with a furrowed brow.

"Oh, Gaius taught me this. It's my physician's book. Every patient I see, I note down the symptoms of their illness so I can study it and prescribe a remedy or consult with Gaius if I can't figure it out."

"Interesting," Arthur said genuinely as he glimpsed her elegant cursive writing.

"Did you need me for something?" she asked, snapping him back to reality.

"Yes. I, uh, I wanted to ask you about.... about Gwaine."

Miriam raised a brow.

"What about Gwaine?"

Arthur's ears tinged pink as he failed to meet her eyes.

"Well, I, uh, I was wondering, I was –"

"Arthur, why is it that you are unable to string together a full sentence?" she asked, knowing why and Arthur sighed.

"Mira, you know what I'm trying to ask, so why do you have to hear me say it?" he sighed as she smiled, hugging her book to her chest.

"Because I want to hear you admit to your jealousy."

"I am not jealous!"

"Then what was your question?"

Arthur bit his lips as he was unable to not stumble over his words when asking that particular question.

"Can you - can you just give me the answer, please," he asked, and Miriam smirked.

"Arthur, you have nothing to worry about. Gwaine is aware of my feelings for you and respects them. I assure you that he is nothing more than a good friend. It is you whom I love."

Though the words warmed his heart and made him want to smile, he still maintained his small frown.

"Then why did Gwaine get a kiss and I didn't?" he grumbled, and Miriam's smile grew and her head turned, checking to see if anyone was around.

She stood on her tiptoes as she held Arthur's cheek with one hand and placed her lips on his, Arthur kissing her back instantly as his hands went to her waist.

"I reserve those kisses for you, not Gwaine. Remember that the next time you find yourself jealous of him," she said before walking off, leaving Arthur with a fluttering heart. 

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