Chapter 95

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"We have to get out of here," Arthur muttered to Merlin as the carriage dragged them along. After the ambush, they'd been captured by Saxon slave traders, as well as the druid Mordred, who had once been a small boy Morgana, Arthur and Merlin helped sneak out of Camelot before he could be executed. "Any ideas?"

"Just that we could use a dragon right about now."

Arthur raised a brow.

"That method that Gaius gave you, would you be able to summon Kilgharrah?"

"No. I don't have the ingredients, but Mira could."

Arthur huffed, his skin pale and clammy and fingers numb.

"Oh, I'm sorry, let me just send her a letter and ask her to send a dragon to come and save us with my hands tied together!" he exclaimed as quietly as he dared, hoping that none of the other people that had been kidnapped had heard him.

"No! that's not what I –"Merlin sighed as he cut himself off. "Chalk it up to Mira being who she is or whatever, but whenever we were in trouble, we've been able to hear each other."

"What are you talking about?" Arthur asked with a confused expression.

"When Mira was kidnapped by Morgana and taken to the iron mines, she screamed my name and I heard her from Camelot. And when I'm in trouble she can hear me calling for her. She sent Kilgharrah to save me and Lancelot from the Dorocha."

"So then call for her and let's get the hell out of here."

He huffed again.

"It doesn't work like that. I have to be in a scarily life-threatening situation."

Arthur's grin was wicked.

"Well then let's put you in a scarily life-threatening situation."

Oh, how Merlin already regretted speaking up.


Meanwhile, Miriam sat with Gaius at the council table as she signed important papers for the council when the guards brought Sefa in.

"My lady," she said with a small curtsey.

"Sefa. You asked to see me," Miriam greeted in return.

"I'm sorry for what I did. It was wrong, I know. It was without thinking. I didn't mean to hurt anyone. I wouldn't. I- all I wanted was to help my father. And now I'm condemned to death."

Miriam sat back in her chair.

"You understand the law, Sefa. I cannot change it."

"Please. I know you have a good heart. A reprieve. I'm begging you," Sefa pleaded.

"Men have died, and my husband and brother are missing."

"I know. I'm sorry. I'm...I'm so sorry. I did it for my father. It was the only thing he wanted from me. I told him I couldn't, but, I don't know, he...I wanted to make him happy. To please him."

"He used you," Miriam pointed out.

"I know. My lady, I don't want to die."

Miriam's heart twisted.

She hated deceiving Sefa, but it was for the good of Camelot and Sefa was the one who deceived her.

"The sentence stands," Miriam proclaimed and Sefa's expression became truly broken as she was escorted back to the cells. "Where was it that I needed to sign?" Miriam asked Gaius as he tapped the page in front of her and she lifted her quill.

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