Chapter 97

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Meanwhile, after having entered the tomb, a feeling of dread settled over Arthur as he walked in to find it empty.

"I don't understand. Where's your father?" he asked the princess who wore an expression of guilt and nerves as she huddled in the corner.

"He's not here," she said softly.

Miriam had been right.

"Then where is he?" Arthur questioned.

"Arthur, I-"

But the princess was cut off as the sound of footsteps grew louder and the king and Percival drew their swords as a swarm of Odin's men entered the tomb.

And a vicious fight ensued.

The two men fought valiantly, felling many of their enemies, but they were vastly outnumbered, and it wasn't long before they were disarmed at held fast by three or four men each.

"What wrong have I done you?!" he screamed at Mithian who'd pressed herself against the wall, her face a portrait of utter guilt and remorse.

And the king was forced onto his knees as Odin entered.

"Arthur Pendragon. At last," he snarled as he approached the king. "I've waited many years for this moment," he said with his sword pointed at him, another older man, Rodor, former king of Nemeth walking behind him as Mithian barrelled into his arms. "You killed my son. You took what was most precious from me. And now you will pay the forfeit."

"Not a moment too soon," came the cunning voice of Hilda and Arthur froze.

Oh, how right Miriam had been.

"You are not alone in having waited for this moment, Odin. Appearances can be deceiving, dear brother," she spat, and Arthur could only shake his head.

"Morgana," he sighed, though he really wanted to laugh.

"And now you will pay the forfeit," Odin repeated, calling the king's attention back to him.

"My father's life, that wasn't enough?"

"No," Odin said simply, anger and hatred burning in his eyes.

"So be it," Arthur relented after he glanced at Percival. "But understand this, Odin. You kill me, and you'll have all of Camelot to answer to."

"Camelot is nothing without its king."

Arthur did laugh this time.

"You don't know my queen. She's the most tenacious and stubborn woman you'll ever meet, and she won't ever stop hunting you for harming someone she loves. I guarantee you that she's a more formidable warrior than any other you have in your employ.

"You expect me to be afraid of a woman?" Odin chuckled condescendingly and a distant roar sounded in the distance.

"You should be," Percival piped up as Arthur turned towards Morgana.

"You're not the only one with a dragon."

And the entire tomb shook as Kilgharrah landed on the ancient structure that instantly began to crumble under his feet as he let out another roar and took off to the skies as Miriam landed on the ground, Gwaine already gone to liberate Elyan, Leon and the other knights they'd seen about to be executed from the air.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Miriam yelled as she helped usher everyone out of the collapsing tomb, Merlin the front runner as he'd made it there before them.

"You're a little late," Arthur said to his wife who rolled her eyes at him.

"Or just in time" she replied as they began running, Odin and his men on their tail as Percival helped the elderly king move.

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