Chapter 122

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"Merlin, there is nothing you can do," Kilgharrah said to him as Merlin continued to drag Arthur's body towards the lake of Avalon where the dragon had flown them.

They'd made it halfway on foot, before Arthur had collapsed, unable to go any further.

Arthur had died in the arms of his brother and best friend long before he'd reached the shores of the lake, and Merlin refused to accept it. Merlin's destiny was to save and protect Arthur, but there was nothing Merlin could do to change Arthur's destiny to die in the battle of Camlann.

"I've failed?" Merlin asked fearfully, still holding the king.

"No, young warlock, for all that you have dreamt of building has come to pass."

"I can't lose him! He's my friend! He's my brother!" Merlin cried out.

"Though, no man, no matter how great, can know his destiny, some lives have been foretold, Merlin. Arthur is not just a king. He is the once and future king. Take heart, for when Albion's need is greatest, Arthur will rise again," Kilgharrah explained as Merlin gently set down his body.

"And Miriam? What of her? What am I to tell her?"

"You heard the Fisher King. She is the once and future queen. When her time comes, it is imperative that she is laid to rest with Arthur. For when the First and Last Dragonlordess rises, with her, at her command, comes every fallen dragon, myself included. So, perhaps, one day, we might see each other again, young warlock," Kilgharrah answered before a small roar was let loose and Aithusa landed in the field next to the older and much larger dragon, chittering curiously as he looked from Kilgharrah to Merlin to Arthur.

"Aithusa?" Merlin asked, confused as the dragon looked rather different as he gave a small roar in confirmation.

"It would seem that the young lordess has finally healed him. He's come here out of worry for her," Kilgharrah translated before turning back to Merlin. "It has been a privilege to have known you, young warlock. The story we have been a part of will live long in the minds of men. I hope to see you again one day."

And with that, Kilgharrah took to the skies.

Merlin watched him fly before sinking to his knees as Aithusa approached him, nudging him carefully as he seemed to purr.

Merlin then clasped his hands together, his eyes glowing as he muttered a spell and a scroll, already inked with his message, appeared in his hands.

"Give this to Mira, please. And one day, if you can, tell her that I'm sorry and that I love her."

The dragon chattered once more before rising into the air, hovering before Merlin as he took the note in his hand and disappeared into the clouds, leaving Merlin alone.

The sorcerer then looked to his fallen brother.

It was time to say goodbye.

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