Chapter 22

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"Hmm, the Gaja berries worked," Arthur said in amazement as he and Merlin knelt by a stream and washed the reeking berries from their faces and bodies.

Merlin froze.

"You didn't know if they'd work?!" he asked in disbelief.

"Not for sure," Arthur shrugged nonchalantly as he stood, Merlin following suit.

"Now you tell me?!" he exclaimed. "Oh, what's that Wilddeoren eating? It's alright. It's just Merlin," he mocked, making Arthur smile. "Are you trying to get us both killed?"

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have risked your life like that," Arthur admitted.

"They do say love makes you do strange things," Merlin said aloud, and Arthur froze this time, confusion etched on his face.

"What are you talking about?"

"Your feelings for my sister."

Arthur tried to play it off as a ridiculous accusation, especially since he didn't know how Merlin would react to his feelings for Miriam.

"I'm not mad about it," Merlin said as Arthur turned away from him. "I'm not that happy that she clearly returns your feelings, but hey, she could do a lot worse than a prince. I mean, is it really that hard to admit you like her? Just say it," Merlin smiled but Arthur wasn't smiling.

"I can't!" he yelled as he spun to face Merlin whose smile fell slightly. "How can I admit that I think about her all the time? Or that I care about her more than anyone? That I value her opinion of me almost as much as my father's? How can I admit that I don't know what I will do if any harm comes to her even though she's plenty capable of taking care of herself."

"Why can't you?" Merlin asked curiously.

"Because nothing can ever happen between us. To admit my feelings knowing that, hurts too much," Arthur said softly, and all Merlin could think about was the pain his sister felt from not being able to be with the person she loved, or the person she'd grow to love.

"Who's to say nothing can happen?"

"My father won't even let me rescue her, even if she is Gaius' ward and apprentice, do you honestly think he'd let me marry her?"

That was where Merlin drew the line.

"You want to marry my sister?" he asked in shock and in anger, magic wanting to flare up.

"No. No! I don't know," Arthur exclaimed, and Merlin held up his hands in surrender. "It's all talk. And that's all it can ever be," he said softly as he began to put his gloves back on.

"When you're king, you can change that," Merlin said, and Arthur had to laugh.

"That's exactly what Miriam said, but I can't expect her to wait for me."

"As much as I hate the idea of my sister falling in love with anyone, let alone you, I know her well enough to know that she feels as you do," Merlin promised as he moved closer to Arthur. "And that's how I know she'll wait for you."

"We don't even know if she's still alive," Arthur pointed out and Merlin's face grew grave.

"She is. She has to be. I know Mira and she would never go down without a hell of a fight. She's alive."

"I hope so. If she is, we have a long trek ahead of us," Arthur said as he turned to leave only to turn back. "Oh, and Merlin, if you tell anyone about this, I promise you that I will make your life a living hell."

Merlin's grin was smug.

"You do realise that the person that has you wrapped around her fingers is my little sister? My little sister who can use a sword and hates it when people are mistreated, especially when it comes to her family."

Arthur seemed to have no response to that.

"Just don't tell anyone."

And onwards they trekked.


Arthur's heart seemed to stop entirely when he walked into the main throne room to see a large cage, Guinevere and Lancelot tied in it while Miriam lay unconscious to the side of the cage, a Wilddeoren screeching as it made its way in.

Lancelot had broken them both out of their cell shortly before Hengist discovered who they truly were, but as he'd stayed behind to extend their time to escape, they'd been caught, Miriam true to Merlin's words putting up a hell of a fight before she was knocked out, a sword hilt being hit hard to her head. Twice. 

And now Miriam lay there, eyes closed and with blood dripping from her browline, Arthur also spotting a patch of dry blood from a wound on her neck, as she was about to be eaten alive.

The prince of Camelot wasted no time in swiping another sword before he climbed between the bars of the cage, landing with ease as he cut the ties that bound Gwen and Lancelot, throwing the latter a sword while the former moved to drag Miriam out of the way.

"What are you doing here Lancelot?" Arthur asked as he struck at the giant rat creature that hissed as he sliced through its skin.

"I came to save Gwen. What about you?" he asked as he stuck, his stabs landing more than Arthur's strikes.

"Miriam," he answered.

"Gwen, get behind us!" Lancelot urged as he kept his sword on the beast.

"The tunnels are our only chance. Merlin!" Arthur screamed as he tried to fight the urge to run to Miriam and check that she was ok. "Stop cowering and get in here! Your sister needs you!"

"After them!" Hengist ordered as Merlin landed in the cage and went straight for Miriam, scooping her up as they headed into the tunnel, Hengist following them into the cage.

"Take Miriam and Guinevere. Get them to safety. We'll hold them off," Lancelot said to Arthur as Merlin handed his sister to him with a look warning him to take care of her.

"No. I won't leave you!" Gwen exclaimed but Arthur pushed her along as he held Miriam, the girl's head resting on his shoulder, and everything was ok for a minute.

"Let's go!"

And into the tunnels they ran.


"It's good to see you both. Where are your knights?" Lancelot asked as they all stopped to rest at a dead-end gate, Arthur gently setting down Miriam as he began to wedge it open, the other two boys having caught up with them.

"It's just us," Arthur admitted as he focused on his task, Gwen surprised at the news. "How is she?"

"I've stopped the bleeding but she's dehydrated. I need to get her some water and clean that wound properly," Merlin informed the prince who was still tense.

"But will she live?"

"She will," Merlin promised, his magic already healing her as Arthur's back was turned and Gwen's eyes were closed from utter exhaustion.

Relief flowed through Arthur as he was finally able to pry the door open.

And into the night they went. 

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