Chapter 109

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Arthur had been oddly affectionate since getting his queen back.

Not that Miriam was complaining.

Today, however, he'd surprised her with a picnic, naturally with her brother accompanying them. Though it was a bit awkward, Merlin was beyond glad to have things back to the way they were before, including having Tyr back as the stable hand to the king and with triple the pay he was receiving before and a profound personal apology from the queen.

"This is really the most perfect spot, is it not?" Arthur asked as he dismounted his horse, having led them to a stunning part of the woods.

"That it is, my love," his queen agreed.

"I sometimes forget how beautiful Camelot is but never how beautiful my queen is," Arthur complimented as he leaned against his horse and Miriam burst into laughter as her brother blew a raspberry at the scene.

"Was that you Merlin?" Arthur asked.

"It was the horse," Merlin promised, his hands on the saddlebags filled with picnic supplies.

"Because if you were mocking your king -"

"I wasn't. I wouldn't!"

"-there's a special punishment reserved for such impudence."

"And what might this punishment be, since I happen to enjoy mocking the king on a regular basis?" Miriam asked from where she had slipped off her horse and Arthur turned to her, Merlin long forgotten as his queen smirked at him.

"As the king of Camelot, for the heinous crimes of being too lovely, your punishment-" Arthur began as he stalked back over to his wife before he swept her off her feet, the purple velvet of her dress smooth in his hands. "Is a kiss."

"I hope I learn my lesson with such a cruel punishment," she teased as her fingers played with the hair at the base of his neck.

"One way to find out," Arthur said as he brought their lips together.

This was what happiness was.

She really loved this man.

And she loved the man that started coughing loudly less so as they pulled away, Arthur sighing in annoyance as his wife chuckled.

"Big brother, I feel as if we are very far from the point of you objecting of my choice in husbands," Miriam said as Arthur carefully set her down.

"A fine choice I must say," Arthur added as she gave him a look.

"An arrogant choice too. Why don't you go and help your brother-in-law with the picnic?"

Arthur looked somewhat disgusted at the word even though on their journey to cleanse Miriam of Morgana's spell, he'd admitted that he was glad Merlin was his brother. He was truly a person that had never betrayed Arthur and he was thankful for it.

Not that he would admit it again, especially in front of his wife who would no doubt tease him relentlessly.

"Over here," Miriam said to her brother as she helped him spread the blanket they would sit on while Arthur brought over the food. "I have a good mind to lock you two in a room together until you can actually get along without insulting each other."

"Oh, please don't. Uther accepting magic is more likely to happen," Merlin said quietly as his sister took a seat on the blanket. "Though, all jokes aside, I've never seen him this happy."

Miriam smiled as she looked at her husband who had an empty waterskin in his hand.

"He has changed, hasn't he?"

"Yeah, I think he has," Merlin said as he bent down to straighten up the blanket, only to have the waterskin hit him in the head.

"Arthur!" Miriam chastised.

"Sorry. Fill that up, will you, Merlin?" the king asked and he just gave his sister a tired look.

"Well, perhaps he's not entirely changed," Merlin said as his sister laughed, her gloves resting on her lap.

"And this one too, ready?" Arthur asked before tossing Merlin a second water skin, only for Arthur's throw to have a bit more power as it sailed out of reach from Merlin's hand. "I think my dogs can catch better than you," Arthur said as Merlin walked after it, Miriam laying down on the blanket as she stared up at the sky.

"That's probably because you treat them better," Merlin retorted and Miriam only shook her head as Arthur didn't deny it.

"Boys, it's a lovely day, can we please not argue?" she asked kindly as she listened to the sound of Arthur's footsteps get closer, the queen blocking out the rest of their words as she closed her eyes.

She had a new appreciation of peace now that she wasn't fighting herself.

A new appreciation for the air in her lungs, the sounds of the birds in her ears and the lips Arthur lowered to hers as she opened her eyes to see him.

"Time to eat," he said as he pulled away, taking her hands as he pulled her up into a sitting position.

It was nice to be like this again, as if they had no problems to worry about.

But all good moments must come to an end and they did so as they rode back into the citadel courtyard to see it scattered with sick and poor people.

"Leon, who are these people?" Miriam asked as she dismounted her horse.

"They sought sanctuary at the western garrison," he began explaining.

"Ashwick's been at peace since my father's time," Arthur said as he moved to his queen's side.

"They're not from Ashwick. They fled over the border from Odin's lands," Leon informed.

"Arthur, draft a message to Odin and have it dispatched immediately. And where is Gaius?" Miriam asked.

"The lower town, my queen. I've sent a guard to escort him back."

"Right, in the meantime grab my bag, if you would. These people need medical aid," she said as she pulled off her gloves.

"Yes, my queen," Leon said as he moved.

"I'll let you know as soon as it's dispatched," Arthur said as he pecked his wife's lips. "Merlin, serve your sister."

And to work they went. 

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