22 ~ Freedom

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And heres the playlist. Its in order of from the start of the show and until now. I'll add more as I release new chapters, enjoy <3 

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"I sense a strong aura approaching."

"Me too, Master Yoda." Atlantis slowly floated down onto the rock in her meditation pose, folding her fingers and staring down at them with an empty gaze. Suddenly, a wooden staff smacked the back of her head forcing her out of her thoughts. Yoda shook his head and walked towards the light-saber to return only for Atlantis to halt him by sticking her palm up.

"What do I do?"

"Your choice, it is."

"That doesn't help," She frowned, "you're the one who told me to give him a chance."

"Yes. After, you will make your own choice."

"You're kind of useless sometimes."

"Not everyone is useful. You would know, yes?"

She chuckled bitterly and nodded, deciding she deserved the small insult from him. You disrespect the master and are disrespected in return, she should have just kept her mouth shut and gone with the flow. The closer the aura belonging to the red haired man got, the more anxious she felt and the more she wondered if what she'd decided to do was the correct thing. 

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