37 ~ illusions

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"Come on, come to daddy!" Shanks sat with his legs crossed and arms extended, inviting the young boy who struggled to take one step after another. But Shanks knew he could do it.

Aasim had managed to begin crawling at two months, so walking at nine months doesn't surprise Shanks too much. "Come on, Aasim! Let's give mom a surprise when she gets back, you got this boy."

The boys silver and golden eyes lit up at the mention of his mother and by some strength inside of him, he walked faster.

"That's right..." The door opened and he sensed Ayomide's presence but neither of them acknowledged him, so intensely focused on each other. Four more steps and Aasim collapsed in his fathers arms, the two laughing together and embracing one another tightly. Shanks falls on his back and lifts his son into the air below the arms in, praising Aasim like a prince.


Both Shanks and Ayomide froze, eyes widening in shock. Shanks asked the boy to repeat himself, and Aasim did.

"Dada!" The boy said and followed with a giggle, reaching out his hands and making grabby hands at his father.

Shanks couldn't help but hug him tight, nuzzling his facial hair against the boy and prompting an annoyed whine. He relaxed and placed the boy down letting him wander off to his toys in the nursery room Toni had manufactured. As soon as Aasim had directed his attention elsewhere Shanks turned his gaze to Ayomide and muttered softly.

"Dont tell Atlantis about this."

The first-mate scrunched his eye brows. "Why not?"

"Just dont," The red-head shook his head. "Please."

The desperation in the emperors voice was enough for Ayomide to sigh and obey, placing the fruit he'd prepared for the father and son next to Shanks. "Alright, but I won't lie to her. She's my captain, after all."

"That's fine, as long as you don't bring it up." Shanks sighed, "Where is she, anyways? It's almost been a week."

"I can't tell you."


"I'm sorry. Captain's orders."

As if sensing his fathers growing anger, Aasim climbed into his fathers lap and silently pressed his head against the man's belly. It didn't take him long to fall asleep.

"Actually," The first-mate grinned, "Captain just returned."

Shanks had been so distracted he'd forgotten to use his haki.

"Are you okay?" Was the first thing Shanks asked Atlantis when she landed on the sand. She nodded silently and shifted her gaze to the boy in Shank's arms. Silently and with a growing smile Shanks handed over their son to her.

"Hey, did you miss me, kiddo?" There were dark circles under her eyes that became clearer when Aasim reached forwards to rub his fingers against the skin as if he had confused it with marker. Aasim had just been trying to clean it off of her face and when she'd realised, Atlantis laughed. Silver lined her eyes and she embraced the boy with a hand on his head and her other arm under his bottom.

'Definitely not okay.' Shank's frowned and looked at the crew on her ship. They were all watching the interaction with solemn eyes, as if pained by what they witnessed. His stomach twisted painfully and He couldn't help staring at Atlantis with silence.

'You better not leave,' His eyes spoke and flickered to their son for a moment then back to her, 'If not for me, than for him.'

'Shanks...' Hurt flashed through gold but revealed nothing more.

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