39 ~ Dark Crystals

693 31 16

This was it.

All around her, death, hatred, desperation, blood and tears.

This is war. 

This is misery.

Oddly enough, she's not startled at all.

The chaos is comforting. She's missed it greatly, having always had chaos constantly present in her life.

Before she travels to this entirely new world, Atlantis takes a moment to think. To just appreciate everything given and taken from her.

And then her thoughts drift to her husband and son, and she smiles.

Actually, she's a little afraid that she'll die. She has so much to lose.

Atlantis doesn't give it any more thought, proceeding to raise her foot to step through the portal when a hand pulls at the back of her vest and strong arms wrap around her. She returns the gesture, a soft smile on her lips as he hugs her even tighter.

"Be safe." 

"Ace," She says his name softly. "You're supposed to be with Sabo."

He nodded against her. "I needed to say goodbye to my big sister."

"Awe," She teases. "I've been waiting years to hear that."

He laughs and pushes away from her. Atlantis stares at him and notices he's grown slightly taller than her. She's amused and proud at the same time, enough that she reaches up and ruffles his hair with a laugh. 

"You remind me of Roger, you know."

He smiles back. "Come back safely, Atlantis."

"I will. Give Sabo my kisses." 

With that, she steps backwards into the portal and everything turns black.


Theres three men in this new world along with many other faceless and beings that attack her as soon as she enters this world. Of course, she defeats them quite easily, but the problem is that theres so many of them.

Way way way too many. Why is there so many?!

"Oi! Relax!" The raven haired girl next to her growls, killing one of the creatures at her back. "Umbra and Koby will take care of them- we need to get to the three kings!"

"Kings? Is that what they are?" Atlantis muttered, flinging the gate open with the force after a brief struggle. While they advanced through the tower towards where the kings were, Atlantis continued to gather as much information as she could from the other girls with her.

"So, what's your story?" She asked the princess and then paused when she realized the princess hadn't given her name. "And your name."

The green eyed girl smiled slightly. "I'm Shila Demacia. The man who I entered through the portal fighting is my father, the current corrupt ruler of my kingdom, and a murderer. I've been working for years to grow strong enough to defeat him, and now I fight for the sake of my kingdoms future."

Atlantis felt a bit of respect for the girl. She tured to the red eyed one and raised an eyebrow. The girl raised an eyebrow back but relented. "Gol D. Nova-"

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