Chapter 3

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As always, Peter didn't have a full night's rest... Howbeit, unlike other times, Peter used his time awake to review his work once again as well as do some research by himself.

It was just like before when he had taken a patient as his own, she was a drug addict and quite delusional, her brain coming up with creative ways to deal with her own negative feelings... Nevertheless to say, she is just finishing her stay at the clinic, getting some last days under supervision to ensure she is alright to join society again.

With a new patient, Peter has something to put his focus on, no longer forced to do boring scout work, finally able to help someone... He hopes he can help Mr Wilson at least...

When the alarm blared through the room, he jumped out in surprise, looking up from the many notes he had taken, his favourite spider plush falling out of his lap and he felt almost as if the Hello Kitty that sat just in front of him were judging him so he turned her head away as he stood at last.

Frowning down at his desk, Peter wondered if he could tidy up his desk before he left or if he didn't have time to do so...

"First routine, then desk" he nodded, as if he found time to tidy up his desk after then he wouldn't arrive late to work.
By late meaning early enough that he can have a cup of coffee and review his notes before meeting up with Mr Wilson again.

Going to shower, Peter rubbed his chin in front of the mirror, feeling the unpleasant texture of his beard that he never could fully grow- He had tried...and it never went past the stubble stage.
Wanting to look more presentable and put together for his new patient, Peter finally got to work on shaving his face. Head tilted up just enough as he grazed the thin razor down his jaw, a concentrated pout upon his lips.

Once done, he stood there for a moment longer, scowling at the difference a clean face made to him- He looked like a baby! No wonder everyone mistook him as a trainee!

Unsure whenever he liked the small change or not, Peter simply gave a small shrug and got to washing himself, mumbling out information he learnt over the night on burnt victims to himself.

"To narrow it down..." he dried himself once done, leaving the bathroom to collect his clothes and get dressed "burn survivors may have PTSD, anxiety..." he began to list as he took his towel and dried his hair after putting on his briefs.

"Depression, insomnia- just the whole menu, huh" he frowned slightly, placing the towel on the back of his chair to dry as he finally tidied his table.

Carefully, he took the notes he took and opened one of his desk drawers to take a personal as he had done with his previous patients. Flicking through the different folders that he had collected everytime he saw one on sale or had a particularly nice design. Peter paused, looking at a folder that had a nice pattern of strawberries and dots.

"This will do" he hummed, placing the papers in and reminding himself to type them up in his work computer later in the day.

With a small hum, Peter began put the folder in his messenger leather bag and began to get dressed. Blue shirt with a white sweater vest this time, dark pants and shoes that matched his bag.

Content, neat and tidy, Peter finally made his way out to make his way to the clinic, stopping only to turn the Hello Kitty plush back to face the room again.

"Steven- No!" Shouted a nurse who was in charge of watching the patients during morning break "come back here" she warned.

"What? I was just--" gestured said man towards the corner of the room "Just talking to the man that's hiding in the corners shadows, yeah?"

"Steven just do as you're told" a dark skinned girl huffed, picking on her breakfast but still watched in amusement

"Oh I'm sorry- I just wanted to check of the the masked guy in the corner was real" Steven rolled his eyes, British accent heavy as he turned back to said man "Or if he's alright- Are you alright? Hello?"

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