Chapter 19

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Getting a warning email had been worth it in Peter’s opinion. When he had offered for Wade to leave his room to watch a class he hadn’t exactly received full permission but he easily played the ‘dumb-card’, saying he thought the meeting with Miss Romanova was to allow him to do so.

Now, with full permission and promised to keep supervising Wade, Peter could easily invite the other for a walk outside.

Wade’s arms swayed beside him, free and unbound, like a little child marching forth on a road trip.
His previous hunching had been replaced by an open posture, curious and happy. Head lifted to look at the trees that shadowed them from the sun.

Every once in a while, Wade would jump or go rigid when he noticed there was someone nearby, he seemed especially conscious towards the carers and nurses but, otherwise, just looked curiously at patients.

Wade paused after a moment, distracted by the birds that bathed on the small birdbath, Peter watched the small creatures with him, allowing the oddly relaxing moment to stretch as far as possible, knowing his patient needed it.

It was quiet between the two, something Peter wasn’t used to but didn't mind. Usually, he’d have to form a conversation with his patients or they’d continue talking even at moments like this, as if they thought if Peter was around, they had to continue speaking and explaining themselves further.

Not Wade through. Wade, disappointedly enough, barely spoke about himself- much less speak. Although Peter enjoyed the quiet and not having to trip over his words, he’d love to listen more to the man, to get him to open up more and be more trusting of those around him… of Peter.

Fluttering down, a small dragonfly caught his eye, zooming past his field of vision and dragging it away from the birds with it. The blue of its body reflected the sun as it floated above the small makeshift lake, as if making love to its reflection.

Peter approached the lake, surrounded by flowers, and crouched down to observe the floral garden that lay there. Bright blooming flowers stole his attention as he gently brushed his hands past their petals.
It reminded him of something. It reminded him of the past he so desperately tried to erase from memory, to run away from… but as he was crouched here, arm resting on his knees while his other hand played with the flowers, he felt like a child once again.

Sat outside in the same exact manner, outside of his school, awaiting someone who’d never return.

A larger, gloved, hand came into view, pulling out one of the flowers and pulling it away from its bed. The movement making Peter's eyes follow up the arm to see the white lenses of Wade’s mask already looking down at him.

Such a shame, Peter thought, he wouldn’t get to see much of those blue eyes anymore.

As softly as a butterfly landing on him, Wade placed the flower next to his ear, brushing his hair behind with the motion so the flower sat there snug.

Peter blinked in surprise but otherwise welcomed the rare proximity, his own hand coming up to lightly feel the flower, making sure it didn't fall.
Meanwhile, Wade looked away, pulling the grass on the floor almost bashfully, a small mutter escaping him although Peter didn't hear what had been said.

Humming in thought, Peter pulled out another flower and twirled it in between his index finger and thumb before turning towards Wade with a smile and tapping his shoulder to get his attention.

Once the other turned, Peter pulled on his long sleeve shirt a little and stabbed the stem of the flower through it, leaving it to hand like a pin on his shoulder.

“There” He smiled before standing up at last with a small huff. His smile widening when Wade looked down at his chest then up at Peter, the eyes of his mask wide.

“Come on” Peter glanced at his watch “We should start heading back” he offered his hand to help the other up, proud when Wade accepted it.

During their walk back, Wade seemed a bit more distracted but in a different way- in a ‘crashing into walls and doors’ way. He seemed in a daze as he followed Peter and the brunette was a bit worried if he had to be honest.

“Nice flower”

Just when Peter had paused to ask a voice called. Wade visibly tensed and made himself bigger, stance wide but not that noticeable, shoulders squared.
Peter turned around, seeing the familiar short tubby man with a smile that faltered thanks to Wade’s scary stance.

“Hello, Ned” Peter greeted, he didn't want to make the conversation longer but he still couldn’t help but ask “How is Harry?”

Judging by Ned’s frown, not much had improved.

“He’s healthier” the tanned man settled on “I was actually hoping to see you for this” Ned pulled out a paper “It has to do with Jessica Warren, Mr Rogers asked me to get you to sign this”

“Ah…” Peter glanced momentarily at Wade who instead of puffing out his chest, hunched on himself now, attempting to make himself smaller “Sure” He took the paper.

Ned immediately turned around and placed his hands on his thighs in an awkward position, making Peter and Wade exchange looks of confusion.

“Come on man! I have yo give it to him today” Ned still has his back to Peter

“Oh!” Peter understood, approaching and placing the paper on his back for a flat surface. After signing he removed and let Ned spin around with a toothy smile

“Thanks!” he took the paper and pen back and began to jog down the halls “See you around!” he waved and with that was gone.

“uhm…” Peter stood there a moment, dumbfounded. A small amused huff from Wade, made him escape from his daze- he chuckled as well.

“Let’s go, shall we?” he began to walk once again, smiling at the bounce in Wade’s step “There’s a class going on at the moment” Peter began “Would you like to have a look? You can stand outside like you did last time” he offered to which Wade nodded enthusiastically.

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