Chapter 25

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Miss Romanova had prepared a list of questions for Wade, giving him a literal quiz for him to fill out since he “seemed to not like socializing”.

Wade hadn’t been exactly in the mood to fill out dumb quizzes but he figured since Peter wasn’t in and he had spent the whole time sobbing, nearly drowning in his snot and tears, he could use some distraction.

The paper had some simple questions of what he would be comfortable and uncomfortable with.

“Would you like to participate in group activities such as: Sport classes, creative time…?” read one of the questions giving him boxes to tick and. line to fill out in his answer was anything but:

Yes but with an aide
Yes but not always

Now, Wade had enjoyed the last physical activity and would love to use the gym sometime just as used to do before he was trapped in white walls… he would hate to be surrounded by others and be without Peter.
So he wrote just that.

“You over-dependant bastard” Yellow clicked his tongue in disappointment at him and Wade nodded- he was clingy.

Filling up the questionnaire with similar answers, he kept himself busy until the familiar knocking on the door was heard.

“crap- hide” White commanded, embarrassed that Peter had caught them crying.

Wade had the urge to do just that, get under the covers like last time and let himself hide away from the world…but Peter was trying his hardest at his job, doing unnecessary things just for Wade.
So instead, Wade sat down at the table, ready.

What he wasn’t ready for was Peter’s messy brown curls to come in, unlike usual where they were parted to the side and geled, the hair was naturally parted in the centre- soft looking from lack of products.
It was similar to that one time he, apparently, hadn’t gone home for the night, except this time he actually had a change of clothes.

Wade frowned with worry, watching as Peter, for the second time ever, did not greet him as usual. His coffee colour ed eyes were avoiding Wade’s as he came to take a seat in front of him.

“He looks like a puppy that has just been kicked” and if Yellow wasn’t right

Peter looked like a child who had done something bad and was too ashamed of his own actions.

“I went to Eleanor’s orphanage”

“Right to the point” White mumbled, almost impressed. He, too, had grown used to Peter slowly getting to the point, building towards the main focus of the conversation.

Wade nodded slowly as a reply, showing he was listening. Hands under table where he could play with the sleeves of his shirt, pinching the skin there as he knew…whatever Peter had to say wasn’t good.

“I tried to ask…” Peter looked down the table “Get them to agree to at least allow Ellie to see you” he frowned

“Guess we won't see her anytime soon then” Yellow, for once, was almost too quiet.

“I’m sorry” Peter finally looked up through the messy curtains of his hair and Wade took notice of how deep his dark circles had become.

Wade kept their gaze before he, too, looked down at the table, Peter following. He wanted to say something, to let Peter know that he appreciated his efforts but…the notebook seemed so so far from his reach, all he could do was lower his head.

“I-“ Peter began again “I wont be at work tomorrow” he said which instantly brought Wade’s attention back, eyes wide.
Seeming to catch Wade’s own panic, Peter hastily continued

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