Chapter 39

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On his way to pick Ellie up from her club, Peter quietly read the little diary Wade had begun to update him on during his days away. The little book had been given to the brunette on his way out, Wade had insisted he'd take it since they had just flipped through it.

The thought of Wade made him feel strange in an unusual sort of way. Sure, it was good that Wade seemed to finally be coming out of his shell but Peter was beginning to worry over how he was losing his own focus and professionalism as well as the fact that maybe, just maybe, Wade would expect him to be just as social as he is slowly becoming...

In case it wasn't obvious, Peter wasn't that great at socializing.

Stepping out of the bus, Peter put the small A5 notepad in his bag as he walked into the gymnasium where a group of little girls and a boy or two awaited their parents.
There weren't a lot of kids compared to the time Peter had come to watch one of the classes and he assumed these were the group of children that had parents working late like Peter.

"Good afternoon, Sir" the lady who was responsible for the kids greeted him "You're... Ellie's father" she recalled and Peter felt himself flush at the thought of him being an actual father.

Before he could even attempt to correct himself or stumble over his words, the teacher was already calling Ellie over.
At the shout of her name, Ellie perked up and grinned widely before running towards Peter and the teacher. She was wearing joggers over her gymnastics suit and carried her bag and shoes in hand.

"Peter!!" she squealed "Watch this!" She instantly dropped her things at her feet and lift her arms in demonstration before doing a handstand that barely lasted two seconds, then she attempted to do the splits, still far from the floor and nowhere near it.

Peter watched, amused, jumping when the girl's head snapped his way with the proudest smile that practically begged to be praised.

"Wow, Ellie" Peter clapped his hands, applauding "It's only your second day and you're already so good"

"don't patronize me" Ellie puffed her cheeks, catching both adults in surprise

"I'm not" Peter laughed at the teacher's wide eyes "Every improvement is good and if you're proud of it, then so am I" he said earnestly.

Ellie squinted her eyes at him, pouting as she seemed to look for something that said otherwise. Seeming satisfied she began to stand up properly again

"Before I could only go this far!" she demonstrated her splits "but now I can go this far!" she returned to her near splits

"Ellie has been a wonderful student" The teacher smiled, turning towards Peter "She's a fast learner and wants to do more than she is currently capable of" she explained with a chuckle

"Miss says that if I keep stretching and stretching I'll be able to do the splits soon" Ellie interrupted, bouncing excitedly as Peter began to pick up her things.

"Thank you for watching over her" Peter thanked the teacher as Ellie ran over to the benches to put on her trainers

"Of course, it's what we do" the teacher laughed, eyes trailing to a couple that walked in. Excusing herself, she went to greet them as well so Peter took it as his cue to go join Ellie.

"We went on trampolines today too" Ellie began to talk, tongue out as she struggled to put on her shoes "We got to bounce and I learned how to jump and land sitting down then on my feet!"

"Sounds fun" Peter kneeled in front of her smiling as she continued to ramble, happy she seemed to have enjoyed the lesson "Soon enough you'll begin learning to mix the tricks she teaches you" he hummed as he began helping her put on her shoes.

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