Chapter 18

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Wade sat on the familiar table, watching as the door opened to reveal the familiar brown hair. He knew Peter opened the door slowly to give him time to prepare himself but still, the door seemed to be opening slower and slower by the day.

Finally, Peter stepped into the room with a smile that widened at the sight of Wade. There seemed to be a twinkle in his eye as he greeted Wade like the usual

“Good morning, Wade… Did you eat?” he asked despite knowing the answer. He came perfectly an hour after Wade ate everyday.

Still, Wade nodded as the brunette sat in front of him, dropping his messenger bag by his feet.

“He’s going to ask about Ellie” echoed a voice deep in Wade’s skull, it was deep and melancholic, much alike a ghost… or a depressed teenager.

Wade jerked his head slightly towards the side he heard the voice come from, agreeing mentally with it. 

“Duh” said another, higher in pitch but booming “It’s his job” 

It was nice, to have Peter here. Thanks to him, the voices usually went quiet, wanting to listen to him, awaiting him to make a mistake so they can shout at Wade for trusting him.

Wade wasn’t comfortable with talking about his daughter yet- in fact, he doubted he wanted to talk about it at all… But the growing pain and saudade was worse than anything that had ever scarred his body, the knowledge that his daughter would be taken away from him due to his mental illnesses was painful.

“Telling him wont resolve anything” said White, the ghostly like voice 

“They sent you a cutie patootie like Petey because they knew you think with your dick” Yellow, the strong bright voice, like the sun, mocked.


Wade jerked his head towards Peter, his soothing voice always managing to stand out from the clutter despite being quieter than the two in his head. 

He wore a patient smile, tilting his head slightly as if asking what was wrong but refusing to say the words

“I received something” Peter said instead, seeming to understand Wade wouldn’t talk about it even if he asked.

Wade appreciated the distraction given by Peter, leaning in and drumming his fingers playfully so he didnt have to write down “What is it?”

Whatever it was, Wade had a feeling it was the reason Peter was so happy. He wondered who gave him the gift to make him smile like that…

Chuckling in the same controlled manner as ever, the brunette leaned down to retrieve something from his bag.

“Have a look yourself” He said, placing a white plastic bag on the table.

“Is it safe to give us a plastic bag?” Yellow asked jokingly  “What if we suffocate?” 

Wade ignored, far too curious to care. He tilted his head in confusion, unsure why Peter wanted him to see his present, even so, he opened the bag and placed his overly warm hands inside it.

It seemed to be clothing, a small garment.

Unfolding it, Wade stared down at the red fabric in his hands with wide eyes… Looking back at him were two white eyes.

Wade stared, recognizing the design. It was a bright red that was easy on the eyes, two shiny black patches were around the white eye lenses. 

“Ive ordered another set… so you can wash that one and wear the other” Peter’s voice made him look up, he was blurry “Do you like it?”

Wade didnt answer, like usual. He simply tore away one glove to feel the fabric under his skin, ignoring the voices that screamed at him for doing so- ignoring the images that conjured with the action… ignoring his water filled eyes.

His hands were sweaty from wearing the gloves, so he rubbed his hand down his sleeve before touching the mask. 

The black patches were smooth and nice to touch, the air made them cool and soothing against his fingertips. Gently, he touched the red fabric, it was latex, sturdy and almost shoved against the bright lights. Inside, the fabric was soft but not overly warm, Wade recognized it as the textile he picked.

A sudden realization dawned on him.

Peter had been in a good mood because something good arrived for Wade. 

Standing up abruptly, Wade walked to the back of the room and turned his back to Peter.

The same intrusive thoughts flashing in his head-

Peter’s shadowed face as he recoiled in disgust, only because Wade couldn’t even imagine the angel like man even with such expression.

Peter’s arm disfigured and broken like Jessica’s.

Wade being taken away to another asylum again…

Still, Wade ripped the ‘mask’ from his head, the home made monstrosity that couldn’t even compare to the masterpiece in his hands.

 The cool air barely hit his skin before he was shoving his head in the new mask, loving the softness against his skin. Loving how his air didnt go warm and he could breathe freely.

It was a perfect fit.

“Do you like it?” Peter asked, there was a hint of nervousness and doubt hidden behind the professionalism 

Wade snapped back to Peter, watching him jump at the sudden movement, eyes wide.

He allowed him to roam his eyes over the new face, smiling slightly before seeming caught by surprise by something

“What?” Wade asked anxiously before he thought better

“Oh! Nothing” Peter shook his head, hands lifting up “It’s just…I didnt think a mask could be so…expressive?” he tilted his head, unlike the sympathetic action, this was just confusion and curiousity, much alike when a puppy tilts its head at a new sound. 

Wade hurried to the uncomfortably small bathroom and began looking for the mirror he forcefully removed from the wall.

Finding it hiding behind the toilet, he lift the small round mirror and instantly understood what Peter meant.

His lenses were wide as he gazed in astonishment at the mask that peered back at him. Squinting, the lenses followed before he winked and one lense closed as well.

“Holy shit” Yellow squealed, seeming happy with it 

“Witchcraft” White mumbled

Rushing out, Wade picked up his notebook and a red crayon, writing as quickly as he could

“I LOVE IT” with a bunch of hearts to get the message across.

“Oh thank goodness” Peter sighed in relief, a hand delicately placed on his chest “I was worried you didnt and I asked for more for nothing” he smiled.

Then he stood up and Wade felt all excitement leave him. This session was shorter than usual, it wasn’t time for Peter to leave yet… Why was he leaving?

Wade stood up properly, noting just how short the other was in comparison to him 

“He’s tiddie level” Yellow whispered sagely and Wade nodded, distracted for a moment

“So, now that you have your mask…” Peter began and Wade clenched and unclenches his hands, feeling his fingernails dig into his ungloved palm as he awaited the other to leave.

“I was wondering if you’d like an official tour of the clinic?” Peter looked up at him “I wanted to have a walk with you outside, it will do you some good” 

Wade blinked, surprised by the turn of events.

So Peter was leaving…but he was leaving the room too? Again?? Two days in a row?!

Wade nodded rapidly, loving how Peter covered his mouth to laugh quietly. 

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