Chapter 27

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Uncertainty filled his chest as he paced within the familiar walls. His food was half eaten, not having enough of an apetite to finish. 

He had been harsh but it wasn’t his fault… Peter had been basically asking he’d give up on his daughter-

“For her own good” White mumbled, voice somber as ever

Wade had barely gotten a wink of sleep. He was restless, everytime his eyes closed hed be filled with bad scenarios in form of nightmares…

Nightmares in which his daughter wouldn’t want to see him if she did get the chance… Nightmares where Peter wouldn’t return to him again.

It was past the usual time. Wade should’ve heard the familiar knocking at his door already but there was nothing… nothing but silence.

He wasn’t sure if he was happy or not. His room was a mess, the plant Peter had given him broken from being thrown across the wall, books and pens scattered, table tipped over…

Still he couldn’t help but wish Peter returned.

The day without him had been hard… lonely. Wade had been filled with grief from losing someone that wasn’t dead but he knew hed never get to have the same life with again.

However, the grief died and left the numbness that came with its trail, the aftermath of screaming and crying your woes.

He had kicked every nurse that came in out, Miss Romanova had drugged him, explaining that it was so he didnt hurt himself or anyone-

So he had spent his day, arms tucked in this uncomfortable jacket, sat down in a corner as he thought back on his conversation.

As he thought back on the over familiarity Peter had when talking about Ellie…when talking about waiting-

“He was an orphan” Wade finally listened to his own thoughts he had been shutting off in order to make sense of his own anguish. He didnt want to understand what would be better, he wanted to be selfish and keep his baby- Keep Ellie somewhere where he could return to…

But Peter had known the pain of waiting for someone who wasn’t going to return. He knew it would do no good.

“Youre an ass” Yellow said “not the good kind either” he clarified and Wade grunted in agreement.

It had been a day, Peter should be back and he should be knocking and asking the same things he always does without prying too much- just enough. Peter should be back…

He’d clean the place, if he could…make it more presentable for the brunette but he was trapped in the jacket and stuck pacing the room with anxiety bubbling in his stomach-

“you probably just have to poop- oats do that to you” Yellow informed 

Just then there was a knock on the door.

It was in the same tune that Wade knew…but so much slower, weaker…hesitant- it pained him, like a large knife labeled ‘guilt’ being stabbed and twisted in his chest.

“Wade?” Peter’s small voice called “It’s me, Peter, I’m coming in” he announced and Wade winced as the door opened, as Peter’s usual expression changed into a bit of a surprise, eyes widening ever so slightly at the mess.

Looking down in shame, Yellow and White whispering hurtful truths in his brain, Wade avoided looking at Peter. Afraid he would turn and just walk out or look at him in horror or-

“Good morning, Wade” Peter said casually “Have you eaten?” he asked as usual, as if it was just another day.

Wade looked up and felt a wave of relief to find the usual Peter, the Peter that controls his expressions so easily, the one who always knew what to say or do…and never blamed Wade once.

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