Chapter 16

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Miss Romanova was just as intimidating as Peter expected her to be.
She was taller than Peter, dark red hair framing her wide shoulders and large bust. She wore formal clothes, her long skirt hugged her thighs, kitten shoes clicking as she showed Peter to her office.
She had this calculating piercing gaze, the tiniest of makeup present to make herself more presentable.

“Take a sit” she was all business, sitting behind her desk and pulling up files on her computer the second she could. The clicking of the keys and her slightly long nails filling the room.

Peter watched, eyes looking at her black ‘baby boomer’ almond shaped nails (don't ask why he knows the terms). Judging by her nails alone, she doesn't take a lot of participation in nursing anymore as Peter was led to believe. Nurses weren’t allowed long nails after all.

When Peter lift his gaze again he was met by her intense gaze, seeming to be calculating him just as much as he was her.

The smallest of smiles made itself upon her reddish lips. Disappearing just as quickly as it came.

“I have been told you’d like to have Mr Wilson leave his room” she began, eyes skimming the computer before turning back to Peter “I have also been told of the recent situation, framing Mr Wilson for an attack” she scowled ever so slightly at the mention, Peter could understand why.

“However, according to your report, Mr Wilson doesn't seem to be keen on having social interactions” Miss Romanova continued “Are you certain you’d like to have him join other patients this early?”

“Yes” Peter answered “any other patient would have been allowed to do so and I believe Mr Wilson should as well” he kept eye contact despite how intimidating she was “Although I’d like to take it slow, involving him in smaller groups and slowly building it up” he added

Miss Romanova nodded, taking the mouse in hand and clicking some things before beginning to type something down. Most likely taking notes of what Peter said.

“Any precautions we should take?” she asked, looking back at him

“Mr Wilson is very self conscious about his skin condition” Peter began “He insists on wearing a mask and gloves” he added, pausing as she began typing again.

“Thanks to his injuries and other history that we may not know, Mr Wilson is highly likely to have PTSD, although it hasn’t been proven as of yet” Peter continued when she turned back to him “I have also noticed that he may have anxiety, if not, panic attacks in public as I had found him in a corner when nurses threw him in the cafeteria without informing me” he continued, coming out a bit of a bit before he cleared his throat.

“And placing him in public areas will help him?” Miss Romanova asked

“I believe he was shaken due to the circumstances then…” Peter frowned “Having being told it was his fault that Miss Warren was injured, thrown in an unknown area while trapped in the straitjacket, that didn't even allow him to eat, might have frightened him”

Nodding, Miss Romanova listened carefully to Peter, seeming to agree with his analysis.

“I’d like Mr Wilson to be free to walk around and move his body, this isn’t only for his mental health but for his general physical health as well” Peter continued “He needs to move his limbs every now and then and get sunlight”

“You’re right” Miss Romanova typed something down, glancing up at Peter “He would reduce muscle mass and bone density and I've seen him…We don't want him to lose his…gains” she seemed to try to joke- if Peter didn't know any better, she was trying to sound like Clint

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