Chapter 4

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The sound of the doors clicking shut never comforted Peter more. With a sigh, the man turned to look at Mr Wilson, smiling once they made eye contact as to be polite.

His smile dropped when he leaned against the door, humming in thought.
His shift was going to begin soon and his patient hasn't been fed and judging by the fact he's tied up and mask is untidy- he never got the chance to fix mask once he woke up

"Meaning..." Peter mumbled.

They never undid the straitjacket.

Peter focused back on Mr Wilson, noticing only now how the other seemed to shrink under his gaze- Crap. Was Peter staring?

"Sorry-" he quickly apologised "was just thinking on what would be best to do now..." he smiled, attempting to ease the other.

"Mr Wilson" he began as the other tensed at his name "You must be hungry, I'll call someone to deliver breakfast here and undo your jacket so you can make yourself more comfortable?" It came out as a question as he wasn't sure if it was what Mr Wilson wanted.

Doubt was quickly cleared from the way Mr Wilson's eyes lit up from under the mask.

Well at least Peter thought he looked happy- he couldn't see his expression especially now that the mask messed up but taking the way Mr Wilson nodded rapidly, he'd like that.

"Alright" Peter nodded "can you turn around for me for a moment?" He asked, coming closer and stopping only a few steps away.

Mr Wilson paused, hesitating before turning around and Peter quickly got to work, he could only imagine how uncomfortably the man must've felt during the night.
He was in his own room, for goodness sake! There was no one to hurt but himself and Mr Wilson was quite well-behaved in that sense!

Well- so far, anyway.

"There you go" Peter smiled "Go on and give a stretch and fix your mask to your liking while I go order"

Mr Wilson did just that, wincing when he stretched his arms above his head and- Goodness, the man was truly strong- Peter was sure his biceps was the size of his own head.

"See you in a few" he waved as he left the room to head to the office.

The walk there felt longer than usual but mainly thanks to the fact Peter wasn't taking his usual route there.
Stepping into the office, he was flooded by the clicking of keyboards, chatter on the phones and hushed arguments between colleagues.
Still, those didn't affect him as he felt a wave of satisfaction wash over him as he felt his phone alarm vibrate in his back pocket. Somehow, Peter managed to arrive in the office by the time he usually arrived and that brought peace to his mind.

Strolling to his little desk, his little sunshine was ruined as he noted some things out of place. With a small grumble he placed his computer as straight as possible and his mouse and keyboard lining up with it instead of its previous crooked stated. There, tidy.

Finally, he settled his messenger bag down and pulled out the folder with Mr Wilson's files, smiling at the cute design.

"Good morning" he heard someone greet and felt himself smile as he was met with Bruce Banner.

"Good morning, Doctor" he greeted, always happy to see the man whom he held respect for.

Previously, before Peter was hired to this asylum, Dr Banner was a patient here. His friend which was- get this- Tony Stark, had began this company all thanks to him.
The two were close and Dr Banner had some major anger issues as well as DID. Tony Stark got the idea to make a safe space for people with mental illness after seeing the struggle his dear friend had gone through.

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