Chapter 7

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He was sporting a big pulsating headache after Jameson, his manager, had come by over a complaint. He claimed Peter had been rude to the order receptionist and gave him a warning in his wonderful fashion of screaming spit that was powered by the smell of nicotine radiating off of it. Much like all the other times, Jameson’s voice was booming and loud and Peter found Mr Wilson had heard it all through the door.
With a quick apology both for leaving and Jameson’s behavior, Peter left to complete the rest of ‘scout work’ just before leaving the building to head home.

He was tired, feet dragging along the floor as he held onto the strap of his bag. Time had been wasted during his session with Mr Wilson and Jameson had been the one to blame. The mustache man just had to make his anger known in person when the warning could have come in an email… all the other managers used a damn email- heck, let Jameson have voicemails if he wishes to shout so much, it'd be better than getting a whiff of the cigarette smell and at least then, Peter would be able to turn the volume down.

Still, as Peter got off the train and faced a supply, he recalled Mr Wilson’s list and with new found energy, made his way in.
Peter took out his patient’s strawberry file and pulled out the list that was covered by the clear plastic to protect it. He smiled down at the writing and took out a basket, throwing his bag inside and keeping the paper in hand as he began to browse.

“Give me a cuter notebook D: this one is boring!!”

Facing the many notebook’s design, Peter recalled the red mask and pen that Mr Wilson used, thus began to look for the color red.
He found himself struggling, having zero idea as to what Mr Wilson liked and so he squinted hard at the paper, focusing on the word ‘cuter’.

Peter picked up a Pucca notebook, it was red and black with some hearts around and Pucca’s cheeky smile. Peter placed it in the basket.

“Drawing pad and crayons CRAYONS!!!!!!!”

Grabbing a cheap A4 drawing pad with a simple design and two boxes of decent crayons (one with all colors and another of skin toned colors) Peter carefully placed it in the basket, not wanting to damage the crayons already. He threw in a box of coloring and writing pencils just in case.


Standing in front of a sticker stand, rotating it a few times, Peter spent at least five minutes wondering which to get. It was a good deal, buy one get one free, and he didn't want to choose the wrong one.
He decided to try to go with a bit of everything, grabbing whichever set had more red then one with more glitter, one that was ‘boyish’ with cars and such, a ‘girlish’ one that was overly pink and had unicorns, then a animal sticker set and one with letters.
Peter felt the pain directly from his wallet and reluctantly threw the many stickers in, telling it was for a good cause.

“Better mask- this looks like its out of a porno”

Peter choked on that one, unsure whenever to laugh or to blush at the mention of…. that. He decided to just cough uncomfortably, reminding himself that it was inappropriate as there were people who wore that and needed such a mask.

He frowned, looking at the writing on the paper and wondering where he'd get a mask that looked pleasant and did its job-

Suddenly, Peter recalled how Mr Wilson attempted to hide his hands with his sleeves before putting on the gloves. He eyed the writing as, slowly putting the pieces together.
The mask had been recent… He knew thanks to the previous files never mentioning anything about it…
Then… What if it wasn't the purpose of healing but hiding?

Peter frowned, he had gotten the smallest glimpse at his skin on his hand… Was Mr Wilson  insecure of the scars? It made sense, many victims seemed to have the same problem.

Dropping his file in the basket, Peter quickly pulled out his notepad and wrote that down before he forgot, ignoring the people walking past and giving him the stink eye as he was in the middle of their path.

Finally, he headed to the cashier to pay for the items, watching the worker scan the items with boredom. Meanwhile, Peter attempted to put his file back in the bag, pausing as he eyed a scribbled out line he hadn't noticed before. Squinting at the letters, he tried hard to read before

“I'll be right back!” he called suddenly, eyes wide as he rushed away just as the cashier was nearly done. A heavy annoyed sigh left the other as they leaned against the till.

Peter rushed around the shop, unsure what even to get. He struggled, eyes roaming around for anything before his eyes settled on a plant- green and vibrant, small enough.

“More color please”

It had been written so small and crossed out but Peter couldn't ignore it, not when he, an employee, struggled with the lack of color in the building himself.

Setting the bags and plant neatly on the table of his house, Peter sat down on the sofa, deciding that if Mr Wilson didn't like plants he could always get something else. He'd keep trying until he'd get what his patient needed… That's his job, that's what Peter would do.

It had been worth it, Peter thought as he sat in front of his patient who quite literally squealed in delight as he looked through the new items.
Having woken up earlier to do the printing and emails in the morning instead of getting interrupted during his session with Mr Wilson again, Peter felt quite tired but still felt himself smile as his patient seemed to celebrate his new items.
Mr Wilson still wore his messy red mask, the other discarded on the floor in a corner. His gloved hands picked the unicorn sheet of paper and lifted it up with big sparkling eyes.

Peter chuckled, stopping immediately when a small gasp was heard from Mr Wilson who tensed up instantly. He slowly lowered the stickers and Peter cursed himself for ruining the man’s mood

“I'm glad you like it” Peter tried to amend “I wasn't sure what sort of stuff you liked so I just guessed” he smiled “If you don't like the notebook I can change it for another” he gestured towards the Pucca notebook and smiled when Mr Wilson held it close to his chest, guarding it.

However, something seemed to shift as Mr Wilson froze. His eyes roamed towards the plastic bags and slowly he placed the notebook down, his hands picking up the bags and studying them.
Peter watched, unsure what caused the change of behavior. Last time Mr Wilson had paid no attention to the bag.

Mr Wilson looked up and seemed to study Peter now, his gaze sharp and intimidating with those blue eyes. Peter froze under his gaze, allowing the man to stare down before finally dropping his gaze.

He watched Mr Wilson struggle to pick a notebook, taking out the cute one at last and writing on the second page like last time, he used a black pen instead as the pages inside were lined pink and red wouldn't stand out.

“Thank you” he held out the book for Peter to read and this time it felt different. Like last time, his first writing was of gratitude but unlike the other notebook, Mr Wilson had written the “Thank you” neatly on the lines instead of taking most space, it was as if he were trying to preserve the pages.

The shift of the gesture had Peter a bit confused, he weighed the option of Mr Wilson having liked the notebook so much and not wanting to waste pages but that didn't seem like it… Not after him having stared Peter down.

“It is no problem at all” Peter smiled “If there is anything else you need just let me know, Mr Wilson”

Mr Wilson turned his eyes down again, writing something before turning the pad towards Peter to read. Blinking, Peter lift his gaze as if double checking before giving the other a big welcoming smile

“Alright, Wade”

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