Chapter 48

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Birds sang outside and the littlest of lights start to peek through the blinds. Peter sighs, knowing he messed up by pulling an all nighter again, especially now.

Hand pushing back his messy curls, Peter stands from his desk, groaning as he stretches his back. He had spent the night updating his work from another week off as well as looking through the letters related to Ellie, apparently they were having some show soon and it was something Peter didn’t want to miss.

Still, most of it could have been done quickly had he not been so distracted by his patient. Funny how his work is about Wade but he could barely finish it because of Wade.

After speaking to the man, Peter had felt better. He no longer felt the same sort of anxiety that made him clamp up and glance to every corner but, for some odd reason, he cannot stop thinking about the man.

It isn’t unusual to think so much about his patients, any uncompleted work can cycle in someone’s brain like a cliffhanger but… this time it felt different. Was Peter thinking of Wade because he had offered him comfort and thus his brain seeks comfort by thinking about his words again?

Strange, Peter finds himself not just thinking about those words of comfort though.

Glancing down at his hand, Peter stares at the cold feeling, his hand feels as though it is lighter than it should be even though it has always been this weight.

Shrugging, Peter decides to start with the day, knowing his alarm will ring soon so there would be no use to go to bed now.
He follows his usual routine, updated since he and Ellie began living together, but this time he makes sure to clean and tidy the house as Ellie would be having her friends over.

When Peter had found she had made friends he was overjoyed and shared the news with Wade, he also sneaked some letters Ellie wrote to him to which Wade read out loud for both of them sometimes, most of them talked about her new two friends.

“Peter?” Ellie comes padding down the stairs as she rubs her eye in her little chick slippers that sometimes squeak on the wooden floor “what are you doing?” she asks, pausing at the last step as she scrunches her nose in the way she does when she is confused.  or weirded out.

“Sorry” Peter chuckles, placing the broom against a nearby wall and walking over to Ellie “did I make too much noise?” he asks, automatically leaning down when the small girl puts her arms up.

Picking Ellie up, Peter pushes her messy curls out of her face as she holds onto him, nodding with half closed eyes, still sleepy.

“Yeah” she doesn’t hesitate

“Why don’t you go back to sleep?” he asks “I am mostly finished now”

“Can’t” she hummed sleepily, leaning against Peter “I tried but I’m too excited to go back to sleep” she huffs

“I can see that” Peter nods understandingly  “you’re like a bundle of energy right now, its as if someone connected you to an outlet”

“Don’t give me sarcasm” she pulls away to grumpily pout at him

Peter gives her a toothy grin before clicking his teeth together to make a clacking sound as he leans closer. With a squeal, Ellie pushes Peter’s face away, giggling as she kicks her little feet to escape her fate but it’s too late, Peter is already lightly biting her cheek

“Stop!” Ellie bats at him and Peter laughs lightly

“Sorry, Ellie, I was just so hungry” Peter finally set the girl down who puts her hands on her hips in a similar manner to when Peter goes to scold her for hitting another kid again

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