Chapter 15

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Peter had always enjoyed his days off to an extent. Sure he did get easily bored and sure he spent those days often working as well, whenever it was research for his patients or filling in reports.
He liked to relax, enjoy some of his time with reading or watching movies and murder decumentaries, sometimes he even went as far as going outside to enjoy coffee that actually tasted decent and wasn’t in a confined, overly white, room.

Today, however, he couldn’t find his ‘zen mode’ at all. His leg kept bouncing, he kept fidgeting with his hands- he was restless.
For a moment, he felt frustrated with his own patient. How dare Wade give him such crucial information on the day before his day off? Why had the man waited to open up until the end of a session right before the day Peter wasn’t in at work? It was simply cruel!

The reason episodes often end in cliffhangers is to keep the watcher on their toes, to keep the audience thinking about it throughout the week until the next episode is released.
It happened to Peter often. He’d be reading a book before getting interrupted and doesnt get the chance to read it until the end of the chapter to get his (somewhat) closure, so he ends up thinking about every possibility of the next scene; how the character will act, what they’ll say, feel, react… It tears away at his curious mind, taking his focus and attention.

Wade Winston Wilson had a daughter. That was the cliffhanger Peter had been gifted now…

He sat with his laptop open in front of him, hair unbrushed as he has no work today, smart clothes changed for a simple oversized t-shirt and jeans. He had treated himself to an overpriced frappuccino, as he did usually on his day off, and even went as far as to get himself something to snack on just so he wouldn’t be consumed by curiosity.

His fingers moved at light speed across the keyboard, searching for anything to do with Wade’s daughter, any clue or information that would help Peter for his next session with the man.

There was nothing.

Peter even went as far as to email Jessica, Wade's previous aide, but the woman said that Wade had never spoken about his family or anything related.
She also wrote a really long paragraph about how she got fired and charged money after filing her report on what had really happened with Wade (had a lot of cuss words).

Thanks to Jessica, Peter remembered to check his work email, finding a new email not only from his manager, John Jerk Jameson, but from his boss, Tony Stark, as well.

He clicked on Jameson’s first:

Good morning,
I have read your report and received Miss Warren’s report on the incident involving our new patient, Mr Winston Wilson.
The reports have been forwarded to Mr Stark, please await further notice.

Man did Jameson had his way with words on paper. Peter was almost certain he wasn’t the one who wrote the emails, that he just sat on a chair and had someone filter out his words into the pretty ones that are in the email.

Pulling up Mr Stark’s email, Peter began to read:

Good afternoon, Dr B. Parker,

I have had a look through your report on your patient, Mr Winston Wilson, and recently received one from his previous helper, Miss Warren.

Thankfully, the misunderstanding with Mr W Wilson shall be cleared by next week as I have requested a meeting with all head of staff on this matter and have requested the lead aide, Miss Romanova, to pass down information to the other nurses. She will meet you in a week's time to discuss these matters in more detail.

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