Chapter 44

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Ellie is looking up at him with big teary eyes, a stunned expression on her face as she dangles in Wade’s grasp like a cat.

“Hi baby” Wade’s voice is soft and cracks off towards the end but it doesn’t matter because right here, in his hold, is his daughter.

Of course, Wade is hyperaware of the way the blond nasal-voice lady seems to step forward as if to take Ellie away, how confused some look while Tony Stark looks at this exchange with a frown.

“Daddy!” Ellie exclaims, beginning to cry anew as she extend her arms and tries to fly out of his hold to hug him.
Turning his body slightly away from the audience so no one can take his daughter away again, Wade brings Ellie close and hugs her tight.

Suddenly, this infirmary isn’t as painfully bright and Wade takes notice of the things that aren’t white in the room like Ellie’s glittery hair of Peter’s blue shirt.
The girl in his arms sobs out a series of “I missed you”s and “Dad”s repeatedly and all Wade can do is hush comfortingly as he runs a hand down her back, feeling his own eyes burn from behind the mask.

Thankfully, no one seems keen on interrupting them and Wade takes the chance to simply sit back down and hold his baby tight until she is just a sniffling mess.
Small hands, covered with scribbles, hold tight to the soft long sleeved shirt, covering it with snot and tears as she hiccups.

“Crazy hair day?” he asks, fondly and hoping to distract the girl from her tears

“Crazy day” she finally leans away to brush her tears with a loud sniff, no sooner did Miss Romanova come with a pack of tissues, same serious gaze melting slightly when Ellie burrowed away in his chest instead of taking the offered tissues

“Thank you” Wade takes the pack in his gloves hand and places it on his lap to pull out some tissues, helping Ellie blow her nose “blow” he instructed and Ellie nearly turned red from how hard she blowed into the paper.
Chuckling, Wade threw the paper away on a nearby bin and lift his hands, removing his gloves just so he could feel the smooth squishy baby cheeks.

“Is Peter dead?!” Ellie asked suddenly before he could even get close to squishing, her eyes wide and fearful as she looked up at Wade.

“Wha-“ Wade blinked, glanced at the bed where Peter was still unconscious and looked back at his daughter…who has a dead mother.

“No, of course not sweetie” Wade quickly says, realizing he paused for to long and Ellie’s eyes were beginning to well up anew, doing that face she does when she’s about to wail “He’s just sleeping right now”

“Well tell him to wake up!” she huffs, crossing her arms “I dont want him to sleep anymore” she says, voice wavering as she glares her tears away.

Dr Banner seems to be stepping up, checking things with Peter as Wade struggles to explain that he can’t wake Peter up yet, as much as hed love to.

“I’m afraid its not possible” Dr Banner says and Ellie whips around to glare at him instead “he needs the rest after today’s events”

“Punch him” Yellow says helpfully and Wade is already curling his fist because what a dumbass

“What happened?” his daughter asks the doctors as she wilts slightly, voice quiet and sad


“Peter had a busy day today” Wade says, making grabbing motions towards her cheeks “You should’ve seen, he was so cool” he pressed his hands against her cheeks just as she turns back around

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