Chapter 41

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The patients all seemed excited for the arranged movie night, the poll they had set up landed on a nice family friendly movie- thankfully the options given were all low on violence according to movie expert, Clint.

Peter was busy completing work, having not left his office seat for anything other than to refill his coffee.
His back was hurting and wrists tired from typing, his eyes tired from reading the letters that seemed to blur together the more time he spent here.

Eventually, he managed to finish half of what was necessary, if not- a bit more. Since time to go to Wade was getting closer, he decided to take a break now before he went to meet the man again.

He was happy but confused about the earlier exchange. Wade had talked to him more than once, initiated the conversation even..but Peter couldn’t understand why he had seemed to want to pressure the fact about his work.
It had been Peter’s responsibility to finish, there was nothing to say if his manager was right to be angry.

Stretching, Peter groaned as his bones popped, leaning back against his chair with a sigh as he looked around the room. There weren’t a lot of people here and those that were, were still working.

Rolling his neck as he massaged the stiff area, Peter removed his glasses and tidied them away, sure he wouldn’t need them for the rest of the day.

Quietly he stood from his desk and made his way to Wade’s room, hoping that the man wouldn’t mind arriving early so Peter could take a pillow before everyone else stole one for themselves.

“Wade?” he knocked, waiting a moment before finally entering.

Inside, Wade sat neatly on his bed, body tense. Peter quickly began to try to find the source of what was making the man nervous or tense, his eyes brushing past a tip of a book hidden beneath the pillow Wade seemed to try to cover with his large build.

Okay, so it was just a case of privacy, Peter assumed. Nothing wrong…

“Is everything okay?” Peter asked anyway, smiling to try to ease the other’s nerves.

Unlike before, Wade only nodded instead of speaking. Peter was surprised to feel a wave of disappointment at that fact.

“The movie is about to begin…” he didn't step closer, not wanting to alarm the other “would you like to go now or arrive a bit later?” he asked

“Later” Wade croaked and Peter bid farewell to the fluffy pillows he would’ve gotten if they went now.

“Alright” he smiled anyway and stepped in as he pulled out his usual chair to sit down while they waited.

The action seemed to help Wade relax, his shoulders lowering as he stood to come sit with Peter.
Once sat down, Wade stared at him with that blank mask of his before pulling his notebook closer and writing down

“Work ok?”

“Yes, I managed to complete a bit of it” Peter smiled “Hopefully I’ll finish it tonight after Ellie goes to sleep”

They spent a good fifteen minutes talking about Ellie- well, Wade would ask something on his pad and Peter would ramble about the girl. He was absolutely enamored with her, loving how he could have conversations with her as he would any other (if he actually got to talk to people often) and the girl would understand- if not, be intrigued and ask questions.

During their talk, Wade would lean in with his cheek resting on his hand and a fond look on his face, seeming, thankfully, unbothered by Peter’s untidy rambling. It was nice he was too focused on the subject of his daughter to notice his mistakes.

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