Chapter 29

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“BLOOD!! OUR BABY IS BLEEDING!!” Yellow screamed in panic all the while White was being very helpful by giving images of times Wade encountered blood, of people getting hurt before his eyes.

Unlike the two which were panicking on his behalf, Wade slowly guided Peter to the wall of the hallway and encouraged him to sit.

The brunette followed, looking pale and sickly as he leaned back against the white wall and slid to the floor.

Wade watched, trying to think of a reason Peter’s nose might be bleeding as the shorter one held a sleeve awkwardly to his nose. 

It was normal for children to have nosebleeds…but not adults. There were many possibilities but Peter did not apply to any, not that he knew of.

“He picked his nose! Hah! I knew he wasn’t perfect!” Yellow accused and Wade managed to ignore him

“Maybe someone hurt him” White tried as well, providing scenarios where people punched or accidentally hit Peter’s nose “he seems to be ok with everything…he'd probably say it's fine”

“Peter” Wade said, watching the man’s doe eyes look droopier than usual “pinch the bridge of your nose like this” he instructed, guiding the small blood covered hand to do so “tilt your head back” he said softly, eyes becoming momentarily distracted with his stretched neck. 

“Like that” Wade encouraged, quickly looking away. 

Peter leaned his head back, eyes screwing shut before his head came to lean against Wade’s shoulder, smearing blood on his shirt as well.

Swallowing down the panic and memories that haunted him, Wade tried to focus on what to do next. 

He looked down the hall, the direction they had come from, as he ignored the small puddle of blood Peter had left in the clean white floors. Then, he looked down the other way, where the gym was… there was bound to be people there- they could get help. 

“But we cant leave him alone” White interjected and Wade looked back at Peter who happened to look back at him

“Sorry” he sounded funny with his nose blocked like that. Wade quickly shook his head, Peter had nothing to apologize for.

“Just pick him up lol” Yellow shrugged 

Humming in thought, Wade nodded, deciding Yellow’s idea was good enough. If he had to get help but couldn’t leave Peter…Then he just had to take Peter to the help.

Bringing his hands under Peter’s knees and on his back, he carefully lifted the smaller man up with him, amused by the little yelp that came with it.

“Wade!” Peter’s eyes were wide “I can walk- put me down” he said as if he hadn’t just been clearly dizzy a second ago 

Wade looked down at the other, who unconsciously grasped onto Wade’s shirt for support, afraid to fall

“Nope” he said and began to walk down the hall, careful not to shake Peter too much.

“Wade!” Peter gawked but Wade just kept walking, full focus on his steps and destination.

Peter seemed to accept his fate rather quickly, sighing and going quiet as he slowly relaxed into Wade’s arms. 

“Is it normal for someone to weigh this much?” White sounded worried, Wade could relate.

Glancing down, to check Peter was still alive and breathing, the masked man was met with an adorable sight.

Peter had his arms crossed, no longer holding his nose, his hair was a mess and glasses slanted. With puffy cheeks and a grumpy scowl, Peter Parker was pouting.

The Patient's Painkiller is a PsycholologistOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora