Chapter 20

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The usual white floors were exchanged for wood in the room, lights were on but blinds were open for the extra natural light. Inside, the room smelled of sweat and spray from the previous users, gym equipment was off to one side with mirrors and the other side was an empty space with floor mats and a radio on the corner.

The workout room was often used for patients as well as workers of the facility who had free access to the gym.
Before, the small windows from the corridors were used so that Wade could’ve watched the Tai chi class last time. He had been fascinated but bored quickly from the slow movements, still he had insisted on remaining and watching until the end so he could spend a bit more time outside his room, so that he could spend a bit more time with Peter.

Of course, compared to his room where nothing ever happened, this was at least a bit entertaining.

The room’s door was open and a few residents of the clinic as well as workers began to walk in, looking around for something Wade didn't know. There were more patients than workers, nurses sat on the bench on the corner to watch.
Some wore gym clothes and few seemed to have chosen to wear provided white and green pants that were loose at the bottom. Wade recognized a tanned man with dark hair who seemed to be talking to himself, for a moment he felt relief for not being the only one.

“Oh? Petah Peteh” a voice greeted them from beside them, making Wade jump away from the owner of it.

He briefly recognized her from the second day at the clinic. She was shorter than Peter and had a lazy playful smile on her lips. Her hair was curly and messy, parted in the middle where it was revealed dark roots showing her hair had grown since she last dyed it blonde. She wore round glasses that hid her coal like eyes and in the centre of her forehead there was a beauty mark that was almost perfectly placed there.

“Lucy” Peter turned smiling towards the girl with recognition “Nice pants” he said, making Wade note her attire as well. Her pants were bright green, a rope-like belt around her waist and her tank top that had the same emblem as Wade’s tucked in.

“Thanks!” She grinned “Nice flower” she wiggled her thick eyebrows before glancing at Wade’s own “Nice pecs” she said instead to Wade

Wade blinked in surprise, awkwardly looking down at her as she bounced past him and towards Peter instead

“So, you guys coming in or nah?” she asked “I know you’d look good in those pants, Pete” she wrapped an arm around Peter’s shoulder that made Wade want to stab something through her little forehead mole.

“He would look good in those pants” Yellow agreed anyway

“I’m afraid not” Peter’s cheeks went a rosy colour as he chuckled “Unless Wade wants to participate or go in, I am not entering” he smiled.

“Wade?” Lucy repeated before her eyes snapped to Wade “Oh! You got him the mask!” she brightened, letting go of the brunette to hop towards him instead with big eyes “Did you get it from a drug dealer” she gasped

“No, I didn’t get it from a drug dealer” Peter seemed used to this

“Hello, I am Luciana” she extended her hand, hair bouncing with the gesture “Peter’s previous patient” she introduced herself.

Wade didn't move to take her hand right away, faltering and unsure if he should. He was wearing gloves, so it should be fine but… Him covering every speck of skin might be weird for her too. Wade didn't want to make a bad impression on Peter’s previous patient.

“You not shaking her hand and leaving her hanging like that is doing the trick tho” Yellow mumbled

“Don’t shake her hand” White demanded

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