Chapter 11

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Surprisingly the phone call to make an appointment had been harder than Peter had estimated it to be. He had called, wanting to speak with Wade’s previous aide, Jessica Warren.
She had been a new aide but had a history of working as a nurse and according to the records (that Peter may or may have not begged for) she was doing a good job as an aide. There wasn’t much on Jessica and Wade, apart from her own report of how Wade loved to keep his distance from her and often hid away which almost sounded like a totally different patient, Peter assumed she did a very good job on bringing him out of his shell.

What Peter hadn’t expected though, was Jessica avoiding the appointment with him after he revealed who he was and who his patient was. Peter had known that there was a chance of trauma, yes, but cutting off anything to do with the patient was certainly extreme… He could only wonder what exactly happened between the two.

Hair brushed, rested enough, Peter stood at the sliding doors of the asylum that represented more of a hospital on the outside. With a deep breath, and controlled expression he stepped in.

“Hello” he greeted the receptionist “I am here to see Miss Warren” he smiled politely, glad that, for once, a receptionist smiled back at him.

“Just a moment please” the man smiled, typing something before looking back at him “name?”

“Peter Parker”

“Mr Parker” the receptionist nodded, affirming the appointment before gesturing down the hall, towards the elevators “First floor, room 104, she will be awaiting you in there”

“Thank you” Peter gave a small nod of gratitude before making his way tot the elevator. Pressing the button to go up and awaiting the lift while mentally thinking through what he would speak with Miss Warren about.

As the door slid open, Peter awaited the two people inside to leave, smiling politely before entering and pressing the number necessary. He tried not too hard to think about how one of those people had tears streaming down their face while the other looked rigid and angry.

Certainly, the asylum was much different than the one Peter worked at. The doors on the first floor were wooden, a ‘visitors, welcome!’ sign right as you enter the waiting room. Peter wondered what the other floors were like.

Wasting no more time, Peter headed straight for the needed door, 104, standing outside a moment to collect himself as he pulled out his phone, thumb hovering above the red button.

It was rude and probably unnecessary but Peter had a feeling he would need to record the conversation and an even bigger suspicion that Jessica Warren wouldn’t allow it- he had gotten a sneak peak of her personality and her feelings on the subject… She seemed nervous and Peter needed some sort of evidence so he could report and take better care of his patient.
So out the window did his guilt go.

With a deep breath, Peter began the recording, body hunched over his phone in case there were cameras- he didnt know if it was illegal but… it didnt feel legal either to record private conversations.
Finally, he knocked on the door, doing what he did best- control his expression.

“Miss Warren? It’s Peter Parker” he announced, awaiting entry.

The door opened to reveal a young lady, short copper hair and dark eyes, her arm was in a cast with an arm support.

“Come in” she moved out of the way for Peter and Peter tried to be quick in analyzing her body language.
She seemed in a hurry, wanting to get the conversation over with. Her feet were pointed towards the door and she gripped the handle as if wanting to escape.

“Sorry for such short notice” Peter smiled, watching as she closed the door and strode to the big chair behind the desk, he invited himself to sit as well.

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