Chapter 21

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Peter had gone out his way to buy Luciana something to congratulate her. He had thought about giving her flowers but decided against it, after so many sessions with her he knew she wasn’t one to keep some alive- plus, he was sure she would tease him for it.

So he instead gave her something he knew she’d appreciate, a cooking book and a small toy of a cat eating ramen off a bowl. Not because she enjoyed cooking but because of the symbolism behind it.

For once, Peter was relaxed during a Thursday, his day off. The amount of improvement Wade had done in just one fitness class had made his chest lighter, reassuring he wasn’t messing anything up.

The flower that had been on his head the whole day was inside a small glass frame, pressed and displayed next to the shelves where a collection of ‘thank you’ gifts and cards sat, given to him by the kids from the school he walked towards now.

The tall green gates sent a wave of nostalgia towards Peter, forcing a small smile off him as he walked towards the reception.

“Hello?” he greeted, catching the attention of the receptionist “I am here to give an assembly, Miss Whitman sent me” he introduced himself, pausing to let the woman look him up on the computer

“Peter Parker, right?” she smiled, pulling out a drawer full of lanyards and cards, taking a guest one and handing it to him through the open window “Here you go, just walk out and turn to your right until you see a blue door, the principal’s office is there” she explained and Peter listened just to be polite, despite knowing the way “Miss Whitman will meet you on the third floor”

With that, she clicked a button to open the doors and allow Peter in, who gave a small “Thank you” before heading towards said place.
He could guess where Debra was meeting him, the third floor of that building had the principal’s office and counseling room he used to work at.

The school had changed a bit, some things newly painted, posters Peter hadn’t seen before plastered on walls, new graffitis made by children drawn on wooden tables outside.

“Peter! Hey!” Debra greeted him right at the door with a bright smile, giving him a welcoming hug “Glad you're here on time” she smiled

“Didn't want to be late for school” he joked with a shrug

“Assembly will start in a bit but before then i thought you’d like to meet our new counselor” she smiled as she gestured towards the closed counseling room.

“Sure” Peter said despite being unsure if he truly wanted to meet them. According to what Debra had said before, they weren’t the best.

Still, he allowed Debra to knock on the door and entering the room without waiting, clear she didnt like the lady that sat there on the sofa of the room.

She was pale and wore dark clothes, her hair was black and tied in a ponytail, swinging as she continued to speak on the telephone to what Peter assumed was another teacher.

Peter and Debra awaited, the woman lifting a finger from her stubby hands just as she finished the call.

“Hello?” she greeted seeming confused by their prescience

“Hello Mrs Pabby” Debra greeted “This is Mr Parker, the previous counselor that used to work here” she gestured to him

“Hello” he greeted, flashing a polite smile as he took her cold hand hand in his own, giving it a firm shake despite her half-assed one

“Hi” Mrs Pabby greeted, still confused as to why he’s here

“I came today to do an assembly and meet some of the students” he explained for her “Ive missed the atmosphere here” he chuckled at her reaction that clearly said ‘why would anyone come here on their own?’

“I was curious as to who was taking care of my little patients” he continued “and if its alright with you, I’d like to meet one of yours” he tilted his head, referencing to the troublemaker kid that Debra spoke about

“Ah” Mrs Pabby shook her head before glaring up at Peter “I can do my own job, you know?” she said

“So i’ve heard” Peter lied with a polite smile “But, if it's ok, I’d like to meet the kid anyway” he said patiently

“Do what you want” Mrs Pabby stood, the sofa squeaking under her lack of weight as she made her way to her desk “less work for me, anyway” she sat down and began typing on her computer “What time you want to talk to her?”

“Any time after the assembly” Peter said, patting Debra’s shoulder as she seemed to be grinding her teeth to dust.

“Fine” Mrs Pabby said, tapping with a bit more force “right after the assembly a teacher will call her here and ill leave the room so Mr counselor can use it” she rolled her eyes

“Thank you, Mrs Pabby” Peter did not correct her on how he’s actually qualified to be called ‘Dr’.

“See?” Debra stomped towards the empty large gym that was used for assemblies, helping Peter set up the projector and laptop “Told you she was horrible”

“I see your point” Peter agree as he noticed some students begin to come in with their class and teacher “I’m sure you’ll be able to find someone better for the job” he whispered as he turned on the projector and spun around to greet the children.

Some cheers made his smile widen as he recognized some students in the crowd- It wasn’t hard as they enthusiastically waved at him and called his name. Some new faces seemed confused by the excitement and Peter couldn’t blame them.

“Quiet” Debra whispered loudly to the students as she sat down in the front rows, allowing Peter to begin.

No need to say, the assembly went alright. Peter focused the powerpoint on something he knew the children wouldn’t hear a lot as well as many other things he knew from his work. There was not dodging the groans from some students, Peter did dislike assemblies as a kid too.
Still, he felt a little proud, knowing how much he struggled the first time he spoke in front of the crowd of children and teens, the most honest and meanest mix of people you’ll meet. It really shaped who he was today.

As the students began to flood out in single files, Peter stood near the doors to greet students he recognized, his hand red from high-fiving them.
He was proud to say he still remembered some hand shakes he came up with the sporty kids, delighted in the way their eyes lit up from being remembered.

One certain girl stood out to him though, she was young and her clothes were messy, needing ironing. Her hair was in a similar state, wild and untidy.
She stomped her way out, scowling up at Peter as if he were the cause to all misery on Earth, forcing the line behind her to stop with groaning kids shouting for her to hurry up.

Peter smiled gently at the kid, noting the smell that came from her at the lack of hygiene, he crouched down slightly to meet her eyes properly

“What’s your name?” he asked, wanting to tell Debra to look into the kid’s family and housing as he was unsure she was being well taken care of.

The girl didn't answer, she only frowned deeper and lift her hand, waving it in front of Peter with an eye roll. Peter blinked in surprise and chuckled as he gave her a high-five as well despite having never met her.

He noticed how behind the pout her eyes lit up slightly, a small smile making itself present before she ducked her head and ran out before Peter could ask her name again.

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