Chapter 38

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Peter had filled Wade in on his past week with Ellie and Wade had done the same, giving his little diary to Peter to read.

The white walls of this place seemed colorful with Peter present, his own heart even did a little happy dance at the sight of the man, happy he looked healthy-

And Peter did look healthy. His skin was glowing and his eye bags seemed less defined than before, cheeks that had once been pale were more rosy and his smile a little more realistic.

The brunette filled him in on how Ellie had kneed someone in the face and Wade felt both pride and perhaps a bit regret with how Peter crossed his arms in disapproval, telling him how the action could’ve damaged someone’s neck with the action (that was part of the whole self defense thing though…so Wade already knew).

Peter also stated how Ellie’s favorite toy was one of his own stuffed animals (Which cute??? Petey has stuffed toys???!!!?!!) that he had given her, telling him how Ellie had compared it to Wade before describing the toy in great detail- in short, lucha libre Hello Kitty.

Adorably enough, Peter still seemed a bit grumpy at having missed a whole week of work- especially during the first days Ellie had been in so it wasn’t like he was able to tell Wade but Wade had told him it was for the best as he wouldn’t have wanted his baby all alone in a new house.

How he wishes he could see her but knows it was a bit of a stretch especially since it was barely a month or so ago when people thought he was still some rabid dog who needed to be put down (he heard the rumours)- there wasn’t any way he could get visitors yet…

But that was ok, for now, he told himself. Petey would keep him updated on his girl and he would help Wade improve just as before, encouraging him to be better… because Wade would be better, he had to if he ever wanted to be with his daughter again and maybe hang out with Peter-

“What?” he blinked in surprise

“Is something the matter?” Peter tilted his head curiously, sat in front of him with his full chess pieces that kept eating away Wade’s

Shaking the thoughts and Peter’s question away, Wade returned to pay attention in the game, wanting to impress Peter with at least one win.

“Checkmate” Peter said when it was his turn and Wade deflated, laying his head on the table in defeat. His disappointment was more of drama though, as he loved to hear Peter’s amused giggle every time he dramatically sighed and laid on the table.

“Perhaps we should try play something else” Peter offered, covering his mouth as he usually did when he laughed “do you have anything in mind?”

Wade shook his head but sat up once again, happy to see warmth in Peter’s brown eyes.

They were in the game room, Peter with a small cup of coffee by his side that was the color of his hair and eyes and, ddly enough, the scent made Wade relax

“Because it smells like Petey” Yellow said dreamingly

“Yeah it does” Wade sighed in reply, resting his hands on his cheeks as he watched Peter tilt his head yet again.

“Dumbass, you said that out loud” White informed and Wade became painfully aware of Peter’s keen eyes, watching and pulling theories already.

Standing up all of the sudden, because he needed to distract Peter before he noticed just how crazy he was, Wade rushed towards the shelf full of games and hurriedly tried to pick something else to play, something else to fill Peter’s mind.

A minute after, Peter sat next to him, the chess box tidy and ready to be put back in place. He didn't speak nor point out Wade’s slip up, but, as much Wade felt thankful, Wade knew Peter was just filing it away for another day as usual…always seeming to drag information out of Wade with those sun-like eyes.

The Patient's Painkiller is a PsycholologistΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα