Chapter 37

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“Oh, you're back to your nerdy self” Ellie had said that morning upon seeing Peter in his usual work clothes.

“Well, I do have work” Peter said with amusement as he sat down on the sofa, waiting for Ellie to sit in front of him so he could do her hair.

The usual morning cartoons played and Peter began to style Ellie’s hair in a side ponytail, allowing her to choose the accessories as she was more of the fashion icon out of the two.
Once done, he went through the same list of questions he had annoyed Ellie with the previous weekend-

“And you know which bus to take?”


“What do you do if something happens?”

“At school I go to reception or Miss Whitman, in gymnastics I go to the teacher” she rolled her eyes

“and if you're hun-“

“Peter!” Ellie groaned dramatically at the school’s entrance, stomping her foot “I’m going to be late at this rate” she huffed

“You’re right, I’m sorry” Peter chuckled “have a good day, Ellie” he lifts his fist and Ellie grins, giving him a fist bump

“Tell daddy I said hi!!” she waves as she runs backwards with a huge grin

“I will but Ellie don't run-“ and she trips, wipes her butt before returning to run in the same manner with a wider grin. Peter sighs, chuckling softly to himself as he finally waves back to her.

Last night, Peter had spent his time reading short updates sent to him from Stark’s Asylum. They had told him how Wade had begun to include himself more in social activities and the small outbreak he had against one of the patient’s (Peter had called to check on both the patient and on Wade but they just hung up with a “get rest damn it”).

So, Peter and Ellie had gone out their way to at least get Wade something to congratulate on his milestone. Ellie had artistically filled a card with glitter, drawings and stickers with some writing, while Peter had settled on a simple bouquet for the man- both items would be sure to bring more color into his room.

The day was rainy and cloudy, unlike the recent days, but Peter liked the rain (preferably watching the rain from inside) so he didnt let it bother him as he awkwardly carried his things while holding an umbrella, the umbrella doing more to shield his bag and bouquet than his shoulder.

By the time he arrived at the facility, his whole side was drenched but his belongings were dry. He entered the building, greeting the receptionist as he hung the umbrella near the door to dry. Exchanging his trainers for his usual work shoes, as to not dirty or leave the floors wet, he began to take his usual route, happy with the familiarity of the white halls as his shoes clicked against the floors.

Upon coming face to face with the familiar door that had Wade’s initials and name plastered in, Peter took a deep breath and knocked on the door as he would any other day, patiently waiting a moment before opening the door.

“Good morning, Wade” he greeted as the he cracked the door open “It’s been a whi—“

Large, bulky arms wrapped around him all of the sudden, squeezing him into a bulkier chest that smelled a lot like cologne, alcohol and something Peter recognized as Wade himself.
Peter’s arms were trapped by his sides and he was awkwardly left to just allow the other to hug him to death. The action itself reminded Peter of Ellie hugging his torso- only this was a much larger version of said hug but at least he had some sort of practice.

Had it been any other day or anyone else, Peter would have most likely taken a moment to relax into the weird embrace… but he found himself melting into the warmth rather quickly with a chuckle.

“It’s nice to see you to, Wade” Peter’s voice was muffled, face smushed into the man’s pecs, he felt his face heat at the thought,  as his free hand awkwardly lifted to pat the man’s back “Please put me down” he wheezed, air escaping him from the tight squeeze.

Finally, Wade put him down and Peter couldn’t help take a breath, happy to finally be able to. He brushed his free hand down his cardigan, tidying the wrinkles made by the hug before looking up at Wade who was looking down at him with those blank mask’s eyes.

Wade seemed a bit… bigger, in a sense, his posture taller too. He stood awfully close, unlike all those other times where he kept distance, it made Peter feel as though he was towering over him…It made Peter feel small.

“How have you been?” Peter smiled up at him, cranking his neck just to look at him “I have lots to talk about, today”

“Good” Wade croaked and Peter felt his smile widen even just a bit at the knowledge that Wade was speaking to him.

“Good” Peter repeated as he lift the bouquet of flowers towards the man, inside was the card by Ellie as a little surprise “This is for you, Wade” he said as the man’s lenses widened “we wanted you to know we’re proud of how far you’ve come”

Gently, almost hesitant, Wade’s gloved hands reached towards the colorful bouquet. His covered fingers brushed over Peter’s softly as he came to take the flowers in his own hands.
Turning the bouquet, looking at flowers in silence, Peter allowed Wade to take them in but even so, felt the usual nervousness that came with choosing a gift.

“Thank you” Wade’s voice was so gentle and warm as he brought the bouquet closer to his chest and looked back at Peter with softening lenses.

Smiling warmly, Peter quietly pointed to the card in the bouquet, bringing attention to it so Wade would read it.
Seeming to understand, Wade followed Peter’s finger and took out the card carefully so as to not damage the flowers, his lenses widened as he was met with the messy glitter and he quickly looked up at Peter in disbelief (Peter guessed as it was hard to tell his expressions with the mask on).

Quietly, Wade opened the card and began to read while balancing the bouquet in his arm (which Peter guessed wasn’t hard as his arms were most likely the size of his head). His mask’s forehead seemed to crumple a little as he looked at the card and Peter remained quiet, too afraid to ruin the moment.

Finally, Wade looked back up at Peter and Peter, who had taken an anxious body language- pulling on his sleeves and swinging on the balls of his feet, quickly fixed his image with a relaxed expression and posture.

“Ellie also told me to tell you ‘hi’” he said warmly.

Slowly, Wade stepped closer but seemed hesitant, like he wanted to do something or maybe say something…but wasn’t sure about it. He seemed to settle on a decision though, as he leaned down, arm wrapping around Peter’s waist in a more comfortable hug that actually allowed him to move.

“Thank you” Wade whispered, sounding close to tears. Peter could feel the hot breath that came with the words tickle the nape of his neck.

The action was so soft and tender that it made Peter feel nervous in some sort of way… but this time, Peter wrapped his own arms around his patient’s thick neck, and on the tips of his toes he returned the hug, feeling himself smile as he closed his eyes in return with the warmth

“Of course”

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